Archive for the ‘Holocaust’ Category

Two Failures, One Success Story

God’s Purpose – God’s primary purpose is to glorify Himself by making Himself known to His creatures – both to spirit beings and to human beings. He wants them to know that He alone is the true and living God, the Creator and Sustainer of all things (Jeremiah 10:10; 1 Thessalonians 1:9; Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-3; Ephesians 3:10; Colossians 1:16, 17). He also wants us to know what He has done for us, is doing, and will do for believers and unbelievers in the future. Our eternal destiny will depend on how we respond to His offer of deliverance from hell to heaven (See John 3:18, 36).

Christ’s Prayer. In His high priestly prayer, just before He went to the cross, Jesus said, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You…I [Jesus] have glorified You [made You known] on the earth. I have finished the work which You have given Me to do” (See John 17:1-8).

My Servant. To the Jews in the Old Testament, God said, “You are My servant, O Israel, In whom I will be glorified” (Isaiah 49:3). God also wants to be glorified through New Testament believers. To the Christians in the city of Corinth the Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

The Test. Let’s see how the Jews in the Old Testament did, and how the Christians have done so far. How will the true “Jehovah’s Witnesses” glorify God in the future?

The Old Testament Jews were placed by God in the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe to be His witnesses to the ungodly people of the world (Isaiah 43:10-12; 44:8). God gave this land to them as a permanent possession (Genesis 15:18-21). Contrary to what some religious groups are saying, the Jews in Israel today are NOT unlawful occupiers of the land. Furthermore, the Church has NOT replaced the Jews. [1] God is NOT finished with the Jewish nation even though they rejected their promised Messiah (John 1:11, 12), and had the Romans kill Him on a cruel cross (Acts 2:36; 4:10, 27; Romans 11:1 ff). God holds all men guilty of the death of Christ, not just the Jews.

Set Aside. The Jewish nation has been temporarily set aside until the “fullness of the Gentiles has come in” and been saved (Romans 11:25; See John 6:37). The Jewish nation cannot be annihilated even though there have been many attempts to do so in the past. Sadly, there will be another greater holocaust in the future because the Jews (as a whole) will refuse to bow down and worship the image of the “Man of Sin – Antichrist” even after he rescues them from Russia and her allies in the middle of the Tribulation (Matthew 24:34; Revelation 12:13 ff; 13:1-18; Ezekiel 38, 39). [2]

Failure. It’s true. The Old Testament Jews failed to glorify God as they were supposed to do and became like the heathen nations around them. They worshipped their grotesque and sensuous idols instead of the true and living God (Exodus 20:3). This was one of the reasons why they were taken out of their “Promised Land” into Babylon (Jeremiah 25:5, 6, 11, 12; Daniel 1:2; 9:2). They also failed to let the land that God gave to them rest every seventh year. This went on for 490 years and so God sent them out of it for 70 years (Leviticus 25:4, 5; 26:34; 2 Chronicles 36:21).

Another Failure. After His death and bodily resurrection, New Testament Christians were commanded by Jesus to be His witnesses to all the nations of the world (Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8). Most Christians have not done this and have left this job to “Clerical George” (the professionals) to do it for them. Thus the Gospel of God’s power to save people has not yet reached the entire world.

Gospel. The Good News that Christians are supposed to share with lost people today is that Christ died for the sins of Jews and Gentiles…and rose again bodily from the dead on the third day. Any and all those today, who place their faith and trust in Him alone, will be saved from hell to heaven (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4; Acts16:31; Romans 1:16, 17). No one is ever saved by his/her good works (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5). Sadly, this message has been garbled (i.e. confused and distorted) by many believers, including Evangelists and Pastor-teachers (2 Corinthians 11:3, 4, 13-15; Galatians 1:8, 9). If you attend a church, what message are you hearing? Are you confused? Need help? Contact us.

A Success Story. But (perhaps very soon) the true 144,000 Jewish Witnesses from the 12 tribes of Israel (Revelation 7:4-8) will carry the “Gospel of the Kingdom” (i.e. the rule of the kingdom of the heavens over the earth) to all the people of the earth during the last 3 ½ years of the “Seven Year Tribulation” (Daniel 9:27). During this time, these 144,000 evangelists will be persecuted severely, (since they won’t take the “Mark of the Beast” – Revelation 13:17), but the Devil or the “Man of Sin” (Antichrist) won’t be able to kill them.

Food/Water. Anyone who believes in/on Christ (Messiah) through their message and gives one of the 144,000 Jewish witnesses some food and/or water to demonstrate their faith outwardly, will receive a reward from God (and if they survive to the end of the Tribulation physically), they will enter Christ’s millennial Kingdom to help repopulate the earth (Matthew 10:42; 24:13; 25:31-46).

Tongues. Apparently the true 144,000 “Jehovah’s Witnesses” will be able to “speak in tongues” (other known languages) without having previously studied them as some of the early Christians were able to do (Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12-14). We do NOT believe that this spiritual gift is being given to New Testament Christians today since we have what God wanted us to have for now (1 Corinthians 13:8; See Ephesians 2:7). [3] We have all we need for life and godliness within the 66 books of the Scriptures (2 Peter 1:3, 4; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Titus 1:9).

Depopulation. The last 3 ½ years of the “Seven Year Tribulation” (Daniel 9:27) are known as “The Great Tribulation” (Matthew 24:21 ff) and “The Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). During this time over ½ of the world’s population will die (Revelation 6:8; 9:15), and 2/3 of the Jews will die under the “Trumpet Judgments” (Zechariah 13:8, 9; Revelation 8-11) because of their rebellion against the true and living God Who will miraculously and graciously provide for their needs while they are in Sela/Petra in the land of Jordan (Isaiah 16:1; Matthew 24:16).

Message. It is our understanding that the future content of the “Gospel of the Kingdom” will include Christ’s death for our sins and His bodily resurrection, but it also will include the fact that Jesus is the Christ (Promised Messiah – See Matthew 16:16) Who will return to this earth, after the Tribulation, to rule and reign over it for 1,000 years. (See Daniel 2:44, 45; Matthew 3:2; 4:17, 23; Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11 ff; 20:1-7)

Dates. While we don’t set dates for the imminent return of the Lord as He promised (John 14:1-3), it sure seems like His return for His Church is very near. There are many indicators (not sign miracles) suggesting that the stage is being set for the coming of the “Seven Year Tribulation” which follows the “Rapture” of the True Church (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). [4]

The “Big Question.” It is, Have you placed your faith and trust in the only One (the Lord Jesus Christ) who can save you from hell to heaven (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)? If not, why not do so today? [5]

Beautiful Feet. You, as a Christian, can have them if you take the pure Gospel to others even though most Christians won’t do this (Romans 10:15). You also can earn the “Crown of Rejoicing” to place at Jesus’ feet when you meet Him (1 Thessalonians 2:19, 29; Revelation 4:10, 11).

Help. We’re here to assist those who are teachable and willing to change (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 3:18). We can be reached here or through our website: Please Like and Share this, and click on “Follow” to receive future articles as they come out.

[1] Replacement Theology

[2] Attempts to Thwart God’s Plan

Martin Luther & Adolph Hitler –

[3] Spiritual Gifts – Temporary & Extant

[4] The Order Of Coming Events

[5] Gospel Presentations

Gospel Tracts / Booklets

FREE Bible Study Book Marker with Dispensations Chart –

“Beam me up, Scotty” can be a way of literally saying“get me out of this place” or expressing frustration with the world around you and having a desire for escape from it. One song writer of yesteryear suggested that they stop the world and let him off of it. In science fiction stories it meant to transport someone to or from a spaceship using special electronic equipment as it was in the television series Star Trek.

Transportation. It’s still a big business and millions of people are traveling to other places for business and/or for pleasure. “People movers” today include planes, trains, and automobiles. But moving sidewalks or automated driverless vehicles, are being used more and more for transporting people along limited, fixed routes, as around airports or congested urban areas. The “15 minute cities” being planned by the Luciferian globalists are not far away. What will they be like? Should you be concerned? [1] [2]

Teleportation. We’re told that this involves the act or process of moving an object or person by psychokinesis. In fiction it is the instantaneous travel between two locations without crossing the intervening space. It is a common subject in science fiction literature and in other popular culture. Will it ever happen, and if so, when?

Angelic Transportation. There are some Bible scholars who believe that good angels might be used by God to transport some of the earthly Jewish residents, who could take with them ten non-Jewish believers (Zechariah 8:23), up to the heavenly New Jerusalem during the millennium, and then bring them back down after visiting there, to live on earth again (Genesis 28:12). Some people think it will be a satellite city to lighten half the earth at a time, as the sun currently does. This will be necessary because the sun will go out completely at the end of the seven year Tribulation (Revelation 21:9ff; Matthew 24:29). Christ will be the source of light for those who live on the earth during the millennium (1 Timothy 6:16).

The Heavenly New Jerusalem. Some mathematicians have calculated that this city could be about 27,000 miles up from the surface of the earth as it circles it every day. Apparently the people living on earth will be able to see Christ in His garment of light. Some believe that He will be at the apex of this city of transparent gold (Revelation 21:18), which could be in the shape of a pyramid instead of a cube. It’s 1,500 miles square at the base, and 1,500 miles high. It also has a high wall around it and 12 gates with the names of the 12 Jewish tribes on them (Revelation 21). Why?

Webcams. Let’s come back to earth again. Since travel is getting very expensive, another option, although not the same as being in a place, is to travel by projecting yourself in your mind to another place through live TV or by means of your cell phone or webcams. Such devices could be used for good purposes but also for spying on others and gathering information to use against them. [3]

BTW. When the 2011 earthquake (9.0) and tsunami hit Japan, while two of our children were living there, and I was in California, I watched by means of live TV the tsunami pouring across the land and destroying virtually everything in its path. Thankfully, our children survived this incident. Greater earthquakes are yet to come during the Tribulation which seems to be “just around the corner” (Revelation 6:12; 11:13, 19; 16:18). My friend, where will you be when they happen?

AI. Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more popular these days. It’s nice to get information quickly by asking “Siri” a question. But this technology can be misused. The coming “Man of Sin – Anti-christ” (Revelation 13) will have access to it and will be able to use it for his own devious purposes in an effort to try to thwart “God’s Plan for the Ages.”

Transhumanism. “… [it] encourages the use of artificial enhancements to push mankind towards something ‘more than’ human. Fundamentally, it is a form of Utopianism, the belief that human beings can change themselves and create a heaven on earth. The basic idea of improving the human condition is perfectly compatible with the Bible. In fact, it’s one of the purposes of a Christian lifestyle (John 10:10). But transhumanism contradicts the Bible when it assumes that humanity is completely sovereign and capable of self-directed change without the need for God (Jeremiah 17:9).” [4] (See also Genesis 3:15; 6:1-8; 2 Peter 2:4, 5; Jude 1:6 to learn more about Satan’s attempt to thwart God’s plan of redemption for mankind through transhumanism.)

Resuscitated. After the Anti-christ is killed in a battle with Russia, which some Bible scholars believe will take place in the middle of the Tribulation (Ezekiel 38:39), [5] he will be brought back to life (resuscitated) and demand that everyone worship him as god and take his “Mark of the Beast” (Revelation 13:17). [6] The Jews will refuse to do this. They will be told to escape to Sela / Petra in Jordan (Isaiah 16:1; Matthew 24:15-22) for the last 3 1/2 years, known as “The time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7).

False Peace On Earth. After signing a 7 year peace agreement with the Jews (Daniel 9:27), the Anti-christ will try to bring peace to the earth and a Paradise on earth without the true “Prince of Peace” – the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 6:2; Isaiah 9:6, 7). At the end of the seven year Tribulation, after causing havoc on the earth, he and the false prophet, who deceived the nations (Matthew 24:5, 11), will be teleported to the lake of fire to suffer forever (Revelation 20:10; See Matthew 25:41, 46).

True Peace On Earth. When the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom most of the Jews rejected 2,000 years ago (Matthew 27:21; John 1:11), returns to the earth (Acts 1:11) after this 7 year period, and destroys all His enemies at Armageddon in northern Israel (Revelation 16:16; 19:11-21; Zechariah 14:1-15), He will set up his 1,000 reign on/over the earth as “The Prince of Peace” and “The King of kings, and Lord of lords” (Psalm 2; Isaiah 9:6, 7; Revelation 19:16; 20:1-7). The devil will be bound in the Abyss for 1,000 years. It’s located in the heart of the earth. During the millennium man’s sin nature will be curbed and all his needs will be supplied in abundance (Isaiah 2:4; 9:6, 7; 11:1ff; 35:1ff).

Unbelievers. After the works of unbelievers are judged at the Great White Throne, (at the end of time) to determine their degree of suffering in the lake of fire, all these unsaved people will be teleported to the lake of fire to suffer forever with the devil and his angels/demons (Matthew 25:30, 41, 46; Revelation 11:15; 20:11-15). We hope you won’t be among them. To learn how to avoid going there, see the link below. [7]

Death. If God were to allow the “Man of Sin – Antichrist” to have more than seven years to carry out his diabolical plan, no flesh on earth would survive (Matthew 24:22). As the Scriptures predict, over 1/2 of the world’s population will die during this time from 21 plagues (Revelation 6:8; 9:15). The 10 plagues in Egypt were literal, and so are these (Exodus 7-10; Revelation 6-19). Do you know that there are globalists who want to reduce the world’s population down to 500 million people? Think about this for a few moments. [8]

Rapture. Since God is omnipotent (Revelation 1:8), He can perform miracles which involve the circumvention of the normal laws of nature. When Christ comes back for the “True Church” (John 14:1-3), He will make true Christians “His Spiritual Bride” (Revelation 21:9). He will evaluate our works to determine which crowns, rewards, and praise we will receive, and perhaps our degree of pleasure in heaven (1 Corinthians 3:9-15; 4:5; 2 Corinthians 5:10). Then He will teleport us to the heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:9ff) in the twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52).

Travel. It also seems that glorified New Testament Christians will be able to travel at the speed of thought just like Jesus did after His bodily resurrection from the dead (John 20:7) since our new bodies will be made like His resurrected, glorified body with garments of light (1 John 3:2). They will consist of flesh and bones, but no blood (1 Corinthians 15:50; Luke 24:36-43). We will NOT become gods to repopulate other worlds as some cults teach.

God’s Glory. When Christ was here on earth He performed many signs, wonders, and miracles to prove to us that He was/is the God-man (Acts 2:22). He came to make the Godhead known to mankind (John 1:1-18; 17:4, 5) and to provide deliverance from the lake of fire (hell) for all mankind (John 3:16, 18, 36; 1 John 2:2). Those who place their faith and trust in the Christ of the Scriptures alone, [9] apart from their good works, will be saved from eternal condemnation (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Romans 8:1).

Gospel. The “Good News” that is the power of God unto our salvation (Romans 1:16, 17), which we must believe to be saved, is that Christ died for our sins…and rose again bodily from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4). Have you done this yet? If not, why not now?

Contact. We’re here to assist those who are teachable and willing to change and grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16 17; 2 Peter 3:18). If you have questions and/or comments, we can be reached here or through our website: To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” Please SHARE this with others who may find this information helpful and which may give them hope.

For your further consideration, we invite you to read these articles:

[1] Fifteen Minute Cities –

[2] Luciferianism –

[3] The Shadow Government

[4] Transhumanism

[5] When The Russian Bear Dies

[6] The Puppet Masters

[7] Gospel Presentations

[8] Global Depopulation –

[9] Which Jesus Saves?

Free Bible Study Book Marker with Dispensations Chart

The Order Of Coming Events

What’s a Pastor to do? Have you ever wondered what your Pastor does?  My wife’s grandfather used to say, “They play golf most of the week and get up and talk on Sunday for about 20 minutes.” Once I was asked if the denomination supplied outlines and sermons for us to preach. I said, “Some churches may do this, but we don’t.”  Today larger churches may have multiple services each week but the messages may all be the same even though the style of music in each service may be different. When I pastored churches, I conducted four services each week but each message was different.  (Sunday School, Morning Worship Service, Sunday Night, and Mid-week service.  Some of these messages were summarized in my articles that I have on my “Blog” and were printed in the local newspaper each week.  Go to if you’d like to read some of them.)

Biblical Qualifications. Not everyone is qualified to serve as a bishop (overseer) of a local church (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-16). Three terms are used when referring to the same individual. “Pastor-teacher” relates to the spiritual gift that God gave to some men at the moment of their salvation (Ephesians 4:11). “Elder” refers to his relative degree of spiritual maturity (1 Timothy 3:6; 5:1). “Bishop” (overseer) is associated with the role he has over a local church. Rather than being appointed by a hierarchy outside the church, we believe that each local church has the freedom to select and dismiss its own Pastors (overseers) and leaders if necessary and done Biblically. (See Acts 13:3; 1 Timothy 5:20.)

Biblical Responsibilities. Both the Apostles Peter and Paul provided us with information concerning the responsibilities of the Pastor-teachers, Bishops, Elders.  Peter’s instructions can be found in 1 Peter 5:1-4.  He told the elders to shepherd the flock.  This involves feeding, guiding, guarding, and spiritually healing those in his care.  They should function like a “spiritual pediatricians” and work in conjunction with Evangelists who are like “spiritual obstetricians” who bring new Christians into God’s family. [5]  Paul told the elders from Ephesus to “take heed to [themselves] and to the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His blood” (Acts 20:28).  While imprisoned and facing imminent death, he reminded Timothy of his duties as the pastor (overseer) of the church in Ephesus. He told him to –

Be Aware. Even though other people may be unaware of what Pastors do, God, Who is omniscient, is listening and watching everything we say and do (2 Timothy 4:1).  He even knows all about our motives (Revelation 3:8; 1 Corinthians 4:5). If a Pastor’s works measure up to God’s rules and standards (2 Timothy 2:5), he will be rewarded and receive the “Crown of Glory” (1 Peter 5:4) to cast at Jesus’ feet when every believer’s works will be judged (Revelation 4:10).  [1]  Otherwise his and our worthless works will be burned up (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10) without losing our salvation.  A Pastor-teacher’s ultimate accountability is to the Chief Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 13:17).

Be Faithful. “…it is required in stewards that one be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2). Those who dispense God’s truth to others must have full confidence in the truthfulness of God’s Word (John 17:17) and in His ability to keep His promises to His children (Ephesians 3:20).  [2]  Some of them are conditional and others are unconditional. There are promises in the Bible that Christians can’t claim. Some were addressed to the Jews alone. Don’t be deceived by those who teach the diabolical heresy called “Replacement Theology.” They teach that the Church has replaced Israel and that God is done with the Jewish nation.  Many “churches within Christendom,” which will become a part of the “Apostate Harlot Church,” embrace this error. (See Romans 11; Revelation 17, 18).  Question:  What do the Pastors and teachers of the church you attend believe about the future of the nation of Israel? Those who believe in “Replacement Theology” will have a part in bringing in the worst holocaust on the Jews in the coming days (Jeremiah 30:7; Zechariah 12, 14; Revelation 16:13-16).  At the end of the Great Tribulation, all nations on earth will turn on the Jews at a place in northern Israel, called Armageddon (Revelation 16:16; 19:11-21). Christ will destroy the Jewish believers’ enemies with the words He speaks. Their flesh will fall off their bones while they stand on their feet (Zechariah 14:12). Are you aware of the fact that Adolph Hitler used some of Martin Luther’s writings in which he denounced the Jews, as his justification to try to exterminate the Jews in the “final solution”? [3]  

Be Authoritative. “Preach the Word [of God with authority]” (2 Timothy 4:2). We don’t need to apologize for it. “God said it. That settles it whether we believe it or no.” All 66 books of the Bible (but not the the apocryphal books which were written between the Old and New Testaments) are God breathed and profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness.  All of it is for us, but not all of it is addressed to Christians (Titus 1:9).  Its purpose is to make the [men and women] of God (i.e., Christians) complete and thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; See Ephesians 2:10).  Are the sermons you hear in church or on radio or TV usually about pop psychology, self love, ego-boosters, and man made religions or are they the careful exposition (explanation) of God’s Word?

Be Distinctive. A Pastor needs to know and teach the differences between the Old and New Testaments, between the Mosaic Law (Exodus 19:9-Matthew 12:50), Grace Teachings for Christians (John 13-Revelation 4), and the stringent Kingdom Rules (Matthew 5-7; Hebrews 8:10) for the people who will live on the renovated earth (Isaiah 2:1-4; 11:1-9; 35:1-10) during the millennial reign of Christ on/over the earth from the “satellite” heavenly New Jerusalem (Revelation 20:1-7; 21:9-27).  This city is 1,500 miles square at the base and 1,5000 miles high, perhaps in the shape of a cube or a pyramid.  It will be the source of light for the earth during the millennium (Matthew 24:29; Revelation 21:23).  Those teachers who don’t rightly divide the Word of truth will cause many people to be confused and frustrated. (See the warning in James 3:1.)  False teachers like to allegorize the Bible and change the intended purpose and meaning of the writer, especially when the subject is Bible prophecy.  The Bible is to be interpreted literally, (i.e., normally, historically, grammatically, and contextually).  When interpreted correctly, one will realize that God has different rules for different people in different times known as “Dispensations – Rules for Living.”  They are NOT different ways for people to be saved!  (See our Dispensations Chart on our website.) [4]

Be Ready. Believers are told to “[set aside] the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear” (1 Peter 3:15).  As the need arises, the Pastor-teacher also needs to convince, rebuke, and exhort others with all long suffering and teaching (2 Timothy 2:24-26; 4:2-5; 3:16, 17). In the last days many churches will be filled with “professing Christians” (tares) who aren’t really saved, and/or with “carnal Christians” who are saved but who don’t act like Christians (1 Corinthians 3:1-4; Galatians 5:19-21). These people won’t endure or put up with sound doctrine but will follow “false teachers” who tickle their ears and tell them what they want to hear (2 Timothy 4:3, 4; Isaiah 30:10).  Do you fit into one of these categories?  If you do, get Biblical help immediately from a competent counsellor.  Sadly, many people turn to “Christian counsellors” who believe that we’re saved by God’s grace through faith in the Christ of the Scriptures, but who want Christians to live according to the Mosaic Law or Kingdom Rules.  Many of them talk about the Gospel for salvation, but never tell people what it is and on Whom they need to believe in order to be saved from hell to heaven (1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Acts 16:31; Ephesians 2:8-10). [6, 7]

Be Watchful.  Savage wolves, masquerading either as sheep or as angels of light, have been causing havoc in churches since its inception  (Acts 20:28-31; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15).  Jesus also warned the Jewish believers living under the Mosaic Law in His days on earth of the danger of false prophets (Matthew 7:15).  The Apostle Paul wasn’t afraid to identify them to the Christians to whom he wrote, and neither should a Pastor-teacher be afraid to do the same thing for the protection of the sheep in his care.

Be Equipping.  Many people in churches today expect the Pastor-teacher(s) and the “Paid Staff” to do all or most of the work of ministry in the local church.  No, God wants every Christian to know what his/her spiritual gift is, and use it for God’s glory and for the edification of others (1 Thessalonians 5:11; 1 Peter 4:10; Galatians 5:13).  If you’re saved, do you know what your gift is, and are you using it with love (1 Corinthians 13)?  [5]  Is this subject taught correctly in the church you attend?

Being a faithful Pastor-teacher (bishop) has many other responsibilities. There are joys and sorrows associated with the work. If you are a true Christian and have a Pastor who believes in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible, that Jesus Christ is God manifested in human flesh, and is the virgin born son of Mary, Who lived a sinless life, and Who died for our sins and rose again bodily from the grave, that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in the Christ of the Scriptures alone, [6] and who is teaching Christians to live according to “Grace teachings” (not the Mosaic Law or Kingdom Law), then pray for/and encourage him in the work he is doing. If not, you should look for a different Pastor and local, Bible believing church (2 Corinthians 6:14; Revelation 18:4).

Help? We’re here to assist those who are teachable, willing to change, and who want to grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17).  If you need additional help or have Bible questions, contact us here or through our website: Click on “Follow” to receive future articles as they come out.  Keep looking up.  Perhaps Today! [8]  Believers who love His imminent return will earn the “Crown of Righteousness” (2 Timothy 4:8). [1] 

The Gospel Mandate

 Friend, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, Who died for all our sins (once and for all) …and rose again bodily on the third day, and you will be saved from hell to heaven (Acts 16:31; 1 Cor. 15:3, 4).

 If you’ve never done this before, do it NOW! Once you’ve done this, contact us for more information so we can help you grow spiritually.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version

Copyright c. 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved

[1]  Crowns –

[2]  Promises For Christians –

[3]  Anti-semitism – Luther and A. Hitler –

[4]  FREE Bible Study Book Marker with Dispensations Chart

[5]  Spiritual Gifts

[6]  Which Jesus Saves?

[7]  Gospel Presentations –

[8]  The Order Of Coming Events

Almost three decades ago, George Lucas decided to use the monumental Treasury, the centrepiece of Jordan’s ancient Nabataean city of Petra, as the exterior of The Temple of the Sun in his movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In the film’s climactic final scenes, actors Harrison Ford and Sean Connery burst forth from the Siq and walk deep into the labyrinths of the Treasury to find the Holy Grail. [1]

Unexpected. To the surprise of many people, Jordan recently experienced unusually heavy rains on December 26, 2022, resulting in severe flooding that forced around 1,700 people to evacuate the archeological site. Tourist routes at the site were reopened on December 27 and movement across the city restored. The storm brought 3.1 inches of rain to some areas of the Petra region out of 6.78 inches of its average annual rainfall. [2]

Bible Prophecy. This flooding reminded me of something the Bible predicted long ago, which might happen in the very near future. Something is going to cause most of the rest of the Jews from all over the world to return to Israel. (The Bible isn’t clear about what this will be.) They will enter into a seven year peace agreement (Daniel 9:27) with a powerful, charismatic man (“the man of sin” – antichrist) whom they believe might be their Messiah and Deliverer. He will deceive them with all power and signs and lying wonders, by imitating what Jesus did while He was here on earth (2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Confused. You see, Jesus, who was here 2,000 years ago, didn’t meet most of the Jews’ expectations. They couldn’t relate to a “Suffering Savior” (Isaiah 52, 53) who would also be a “Conquering King” (Isaiah 9:6, 7). That’s why they had Him crucified by the Romans (John 19:16; See 1 Corinthians 2:8).

BTW – God holds all men are responsible for the death of Christ, not just the Jews (Acts 2:36; 4:10, 26-28). This includes you and me. Our sins (lawless behavior) caused Him to be nailed to the cross as the Just One for the unjust ones (1 Peter 3:18; Philippians 2:8). Are you grateful to Him for doing this? I am. But I’m also thankful that He rose again bodily from the dead so He could save those who put their faith and trust in Him alone, apart from their good works (Ephesians 2:8, 9). Without it, we’d be hopeless and miserable (1 Corinthians 15:12-19).

Wars – Peace. While the rest of the world will be suffering extensively from a false peace, wars, famines, and death – (referred to as the four horsemen of the apocalypse – Revelation 6:1-8), when ¼ of the world’s population will die, (just think about a that for a moment), the Jews will be living in peace and prosperity in Israel. This will cause Russia and her allies to come down on Israel during the middle of this Seven Year Tribulation period to try to take a prey for themselves (Ezekiel 38, 39). But they will be destroyed on the mountains in northern Israel.

Temple Rebuilt. Yes, a third Jewish Temple will be built on the Temple mount, and the Jews will offer sacrifices there once again during the first ½ of the Tribulation (Daniel 9:27). But when the “man of sin” (antichrist) is killed in this battle with Russia and resuscitated back to life (Revelation 13;1-4), imitating Christ’s resurrection, he will demand that the Jews worship him and his image that will be set up in the Jewish Temple (Matthew 24:15 ff). He will also require everyone to take his mark if they want to engage in buying and selling (The Mark of the Beast, 666 – Revelation 13:17). Do you know who won’t take it? (See Matthew 7:21-23; Revelation 7:4-8; 20:4)

Flee. This is when the Jews will realize that he is not their Messiah. They will flee to Petra (Sela) in Jordan to escape his wrath and the wrath of the devil (Isaiah 16:1) who will be cast down to the earth after a war with Michael and his angels (Revelation 12:7-9).

Petra. We were there several years ago. It’s shaped like a bowl with a very narrow entrance into it. Thinking that he has the Jews corralled there, the devil, in his wrath, will send forth a flood to try to drown them.

BTW – The devil has limited control over nature. See Job chapters 1, 2. There are those who believe that some of his human agents (Ephesians 2:2) may also be involved in geoengineering to control the weather so they can control people.) If you’re interested, do your own research on this.

God’s Omnipotence. But, at that future time, God will cause the earth to open up and swallow the flood (Revelation 12:15-17). Somehow, the devil thinks that if he can keep God from fulfilling His unconditional promises to the Jews, then maybe He won’t be able to cast him into the lake of fire to suffer forever (Revelation 20:7-10; Matthew 25:41, 46). This won’t happen. The Jews are indestructible.

BTW – Did you know that Adolph Hitler used Martin Luther’s writings to justify his attempt to annihilate the Jews? [3]

Israel’s Future. God is not finished with the Jewish nation (Romans 11:1 ff). Those churches that teach the “Replacement of Israel” heresy will be responsible, in part, for the worst holocaust yet to occur on earth. [4] If you attend church, do you know what your Pastor believes and teaches about this? If not, why not ask him? Does he interpret Bible prophecy normally or allegorically? Yes, it really matters. You could be supporting the wrong Pastor and church.

Protected. God miraculously will protect the Jewish nation, while they are in Petra from totally being exterminated during the last half of the Seven Year Tribulation (3 ½ years). It’s called “The Time of Jacob’s / Israel’s Trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). God will supply the Jews with food and water just as He did when they were wandering around in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience and lack of faith in God and His promises (Exodus 16:35).

Death. Sadly, 2/3 of the rebellious, unbelieving Jews will perish there during this time (Zechariah 13:8). We believe that the “Seven Trumpet Judgments” will be designed primarily for the Jews to “weed out” the unbelieving rebels (Revelation 8, 9). Those who die during this time will be just like the Jews who were 20 years old and older who perished in the wilderness for failing to believe that God could take them into the “Promised Land” where giants lived (Numbers 13:28; 32:11).

BTW – When Christ sets up His Kingdom of the Heavens” on/over the whole earth for 1,000 years (Daniel 2:44,45), the Jewish believers will inherit all the land that God promised to give to them. It will extend from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River (Genesis 15:18-21). This is when there will finally be true “Peace on Earth” (Revelation 20:1-7; Isaiah 2:4; 11:1 ff; 35:1 ff).

Christ’s Bride, the true Church (not the apostate, harlot church – Revelation 17, 28) will rule with Him for 1,000 years (2 Timothy 2:12; Ephesians 5:32; Revelation 21:9; 22:3). King David will be raised up from the dead, 75 days after the Tribulation is over (Daniel 12:12), to rule under Christ and His Bride, the Church (Jeremiah 30:9). He will rule over other Gentile (non-Jewish) kings on earth (Revelation 19:16).

Unbelief. This is a very serious sin in the eyes of God. The only “unforgivable sin” today is to fail to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, Who died for our sins…and rose again bodily for the dead on the third day (John 16:9). This is the Gospel message that is the power of God for the salvation of Jews and non-Jews (Romans 1:16).

Lake Of Fire. Those Jews, living in the Tribulation, who die in unbelief, and who fail to acknowledge that Jesus is indeed their True and Promised Messiah, Who is returning to this earth as He promised (Acts 1:11), will end up forever in the lake of fire with the devil and his angels/demons (Matthew 25:30, 41, 46). We don’t want you or anyone else to go there.

Coming Events. If you’d like to learn more about what God has predicted in His Word, [4] we invite you to get our FREE “Bible Study Book Marker” with a “Dispensations Chart” from our website:

If you have questions and/or comments, we can be reached here or through our website. To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” Please SHARE this information with others. You could have a part in redirecting their eternal destiny from hell to heaven.

[1] Indiana Jones Movie

[2] Floods.

[3] Martin Luther – Hitler

[4] Replacement Theology

[5] The Order Of Coming Events –


“Zacchaeus was a wee little man,

and a wee little man was he.
He climbed up in a sycamore tree
For the Lord he wanted to see.
And when the Savior passed that way
He looked up in the tree.
And said, ‘Zacchaeus, you come down!
For I’m going to your house today!

For I’m going to your house today!’”

Luke Chapter 19:1-10

Perhaps you sang this chorus when you were a small child in Sunday School. But you probably didn’t know that he was a despised Jewish tax collector whom the other Jews hated. He worked for the Roman government and often extracted from his own people much more than he was supposed to collect. Thus he became very rich.

(BTW – There are some Jewish people like Zacchaeus who are doing the same kind of thing in our day to their own Jewish people and to others.)

But don’t hate such people; pity them. They too can be saved from hell just as Zacchaeus was. We should never wish that awful place on anyone, no matter how bad they’ve been, or say “God d— you.” Where would you and I be today apart from the grace of God? It’s truly amazing.

Have you ever wondered what kind of people might be your neighbors in heaven, if you go there? To find out, click below. Which of these characteristics describe you? [1]

Jesus wept over the Jewish folks in Jerusalem who had rejected Him (Matthew 23:37-39). If you’ve been saved by God’s grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, do you ever weep over lost people as the Apostle did (Romans 9:1-3)?

Blind songwriter, Fanny Crosby wrote, “Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying, Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave, Weep o’er the erring one, Lift up the fallen, Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save.”

Although he probably wasn’t as rich as Zacchaeus was, Matthew (one of Christ’s 12 disciples) was also a converted Jewish tax collector (Matthew 9:9; 10:3). He wrote the first Gospel presenting Jesus Christ as the true Messiah and the rightful King of the Jews.

During the early part of His 3 ½ year ministry on earth, Jesus’ concern was for His own people, the Jews (Matthew 15:21-28). He said to His disciples, “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles [non-Jews], and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5, 6). Note an exception Jesus made (John 4:1-42).

But after most of the Jewish people had rejected Him (John 1:11, 12) as their promised Messiah, He temporarily changed His focus from that of being their Messiah to His offering of Himself as the Savior of the whole world Who would go to die on a cross for the sins of all mankind (Matthew 16:20 ff; See John 3:16; 1 John 2:2; 4:10). Sadly, most people won’t come to Him and be saved because they love darkness rather than light (John 3:19). What about you?

After His death and resurrection, and just before He ascended back to heaven from where He had come, Jesus told His disciples that they were to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8). They were witnesses of His death for our sins…and His bodily resurrection (Acts 1:22; 4:2, 33; 24:15, 21; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8). Without His bodily resurrection, we’d be hopeless and most miserable (1 Corinthians 15:17-19).

BTW – Merely knowing and agreeing with the facts of the Gospel won’t save us (James 2:19). We must transfer our faith and trust from ourselves and our good works over to Christ alone if we are to be saved (Acts 16:31; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5). Have you done this yet? If not, why not now?

Some years after the church began on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2), a council meeting was held in Jerusalem. James, Christ’s half-brother said, “Simon [Peter] has declared how God at the first visited the Gentiles (non-Jews) to take out of them a people for His name” (Acts 15:14). The non-Jews were/are also those whom God the Father loved, and the ones for whom Christ died and rose again so they could be saved from everlasting condemnation in the lake of fire (John 3:16, 18, 36; Matthew 25:41, 46).

Today God is creating from Jewish and non-Jewish believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, one new man known as “The Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:15). Jesus Christ is the Head of this new creation and true Christians make up the spiritual “Body of Christ” (Ephesians 1:22, 23; 1 Corinthians 12:12, 13).

The Jewish people must be saved the same way non-Jewish people are saved and acknowledge the full Deity of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16, 17; 10:9; Colossians 2:9). This is a problem for most of the Jews and those in some of the cults and other religions.

Once saved, Jewish believers become one “in Christ” with non-Jewish believers (1 Corinthians 12:12, 13; Ephesians 4:1-6). In God’s mind, there are no distinctions between these two groups (Galatians 3:26-29; 1 Corinthians 10:32).

The Apostle Paul, a converted Jew, wrote, “For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that [spiritual] blindness in part has happened to Israel [the Jewish people as a whole] until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (Romans 11:25).

This means that after all the non-Jews, whom God the Father has given to God the Son, have come to Him and been saved (John 6:37) during this era of the Church (i.e. the “Dispensation of Grace”), Christ will return for “His Body, the true Church” and make it His “Bride” (Ephesians 5: 32; Revelation 21:9 ff; 22:17). This will take place at the time of the “Rapture” when true Christians will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

Then our works will be judged / evaluated to determine which ones can be rewarded and which won’t be rewarded (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). At this same time, our future roles and service in heaven and our enjoyment of it will be determined, depending on the type of works we did while we were here on earth (1 Corinthians 4:5).

Once the true Church has been taken up to heaven, God’s “time clock” with the Jewish nation will resume (Romans 9-11). God is NOT finished with the Jewish nation. We do NOT believe in “Replacement Theology” that falsely teaches that the Church has replaced Israel and can claim the promises that were given to the Jews? [3] (Read Genesis 12:1-3 about the blessings and curses that come on those who treat or mistreat the Jews. See also Deuteronomy 28.)

Sadly, many churches in “Christendom” believe this heresy which will result in the worst holocaust in human history during the last half of the Tribulation (3 ½ years). It is known as “The Time of Jacob’s / Israel’s Trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7).

With the increase of anti-semitism (i.e. hatred for the Jews, particularly among the other nations in the United Nations), this event seems to be “just around the corner.”

After going through this seven year holocaust (Daniel 9:27; Jeremiah 30:7), God will rescue a remnant (1/3) of the Jewish people (Isaiah 10:20-22; Zechariah 13:8, 9). Note: During this 7 year period over ½ of the world’s population will die (Revelation 6:8; 9:15). Some of the current, anti-God globalists want to reduce the population of the earth down to 500 million. That’s about a 95% reduction of the current world population. [3]

The Jewish remnant will be the ones who finally acknowledge that Jesus, whom their forefathers had rejected, was/is indeed their Promised Messiah (Matthew 23:37-39; Luke 19:14). [4] He will return as the “King of kings, and Lord of lords” and crush all His enemies with a sharp sword and a rod of iron (Psalm 2:9; Revelation 19:16).

He will come to rescue the believing Jews in “the nick of time” as the nations of the world gather at Armageddon to try to annihilate the Jews once and for all (Matthew 24:29 ff; Revelation 16:16; 19:11-21). God will not let this happen to the Jews. The devil would like to annihilate them so God can’t fulfill His unconditional promises to them. (See Revelation 12:15-17).

Then God will make the Jewish believers the head nation over the non-Jewish nations during Christ’s millennial (1,000) reign on/over the whole earth (Revelation 20:1-8), as foretold by the Jewish prophets (Deuteronomy 28:13; Daniel 2:44, 45; Isaiah 9:6, 7). Resurrected King David will be ruler on the earth under Christ and His Bride, the true Church (Jeremiah 30:9). Finally there will be true peace on earth (Isaiah 2:4; 9:6, 7).

It seems like we are approaching the end of this era, known as the “Dispensation of Grace” (Ephesians 3:1-7). [5] There are at least 1,007 years left before God wipes out this present universe that has been polluted by sin. Then He will create new heavens and a new earth where righteousness will finally settle down and feel at home (Revelation 21:1 ff; Isaiah 65:17; 2 Peter 3:10-13).

Where will you spend eternity – with God in heaven or in the lake of fire with the devil and his angels/demons (John 14:1-3; Matthew 25:41, 46)? Now, while you’re physically alive, is the only time you have to make your decision to believe or not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior (2 Corinthians 6:2; John 3:16, 18, 36).

To learn more about God’s timeline for humanity, and where we are today, we invite you to get our FREE “Bible Study Book Marker” [5] on our website:

Having completed “fourscore” years on this earth, I believe that my days may be very limited. I want to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31) by making Him known to others who are teachable, willing to change, and who want to grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16-4:8; 2 Peter 3:18).

Contact us here or through our website if you have questions and/or comments.

To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” If this information has helped you, please let us know, and then SHARE it with others who may need help and/or comfort from God’s Word (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4).

[1] Our Neighbors In Heaven –

[2] Replacement Theology –

[3] Global Population Reduction –

[4] Jesus – The Rightful King of the Jews, Prophecies Fulfilled –

[5] Bible Study Book Marker with Dispensations Chart

The Order Of Coming Events:

The Gospel For Our Salvation:

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  

Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

During the coming Seven Years of the Tribulation the Bible predicts that horrific things are going to happen. (With all that we see happening in the world today, these days seem to be just around the corner.) [1] It will begin with the arrival of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” (Revelation 6:1-8). [2] The “white horse” represents the condition of false peace which the “Fix-it Man” (Anti-Christ) will bring to this world which is currently in great turmoil (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3). [3] Then comes the “red horse” which represents the condition of war. At this time three of the ten kings, from the Revived Roman Empire, who helped put the “Man of Sin” (Anti-Christ) into power will have second thoughts about him because he doesn’t have royal blood but mixed blood (Daniel 2:43). He will “pluck them out by the roots” (Daniel 7:8, 24). The “black horse” represents famine which is followed by the “pale horse.” It represents death when ¼ of the world’s population will die. Later another 1/3 of the world’s population will die (Revelation 9:15). By today’s count, that’s about 4 billion people. The Globalist’s want to reduce the human population down to 500 million. [4]

Armageddon. Toward the end of this seven year period, all the nations of the world will come against the Jews in northern Israel to a place called “Armageddon” (Revelation 16:16). In the “nick of time” the Lord Jesus Christ will return from heaven with His Bride, the true Church, and crush the nations with His rod of iron (Revelation 19:15). “And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths” (Zechariah 14:12).

Deliverance. You can avoid these horrific days that seem to be just around the corner. True Christians are promised deliverance from this time period. The “Rapture” of the true Church takes place just before this awful period of human history begins (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 4:13-18; 5:9; Revelation 3:10). The “Apostate Churches” will be left behind and join the “Harlot’s One World Religion” (Revelation 17, 18).

How To. To become a true Christian, you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ exclusively, Who died for your sins, Who was buried, and Who rose again bodily from the dead on the third day (Acts 16:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3 4). We are NOT saved by our good works, or by our faith PLUS our good works which is what is required in man’s religions (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5).

Facts Alone. My Friend, you could know and believe the facts of the Gospel without transferring your faith and trust over to Christ alone to save you. You could know and agree with the facts of Bible prophecy but this won’t save you. [5] During the Tribulation there will be people who will refuse the “Mark of the Beast,” who will prophecy in Christ’s name, cast out demons, and do many wonders. And yet, because their faith wasn’t in Christ alone, Jesus will say to them, “I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matthew 7:21-23; 25:30, 41, 46).

Make Sure. The Apostle Peter wrote, “…be even more diligent to make your call and election sure” (2 Peter 1:10). Don’t be among those who “believe in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:2). There are no “second chances” to be saved after you die physically (Hebrews 9:27). [6] Now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Our lives are like a vapor that vanishes away quickly (James 4:14).

Help. We’re here to assist those who are teachable, willing to change, and grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 3:18). If you have questions and/or comments, we can be reached here or through our website: Please let us know if this article helped you. If so, please LIKE and SHARE this with others. To receive future articles as they come out, click on Follow.

For Further Reading:







Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  

Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

While the devil and his agents (the wicked men of this world – Ephesians 2:2; John 8:44) plot and scheme in an attempt to overthrow God and try to bring in “world peace” without the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6), God laughs at them and holds them in derision (Psalm 2). Consider what some of these rebels are doing and saying. [1]

Believers. “Fret not because of evil doers…They will be cut down soon…” (Psalm 37:1, 2). God is omnipotent, and no one can overthrow Him (Revelation 1:8). We are in God’s good hands (John 10:28, 29). Nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38, 39). But God wants us to “Be sober, be vigilant; because [our] adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peer 5:8).

Warning – Non-Christians. If you’re not a Christian, you should be very concerned about what is happening in the world today. Don’t let the devil lull you into spiritual sleep (1 John 5:19). You need to get out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness now and into God’s family (Colossians 1:13) by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, Who died for your sins…and rose again bodily on the third day (Acts 16:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).

Tribulation. It seems that, in the very near future, as the Bible has predicted, God is going to let the wicked have their way for seven years (Daniel 9:27) to demonstrate, once and for all, that they cannot bring in “world peace” without Him (John 15:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:3; Revelation 6:1 ff). If God were to allow them to have more than seven years, no flesh on earth would survive (Mathew 24:22).

Depopulation. During this time of “Tribulation” (Revelation 6-19) over ½ of the world’s population will die (Revelation 6:8; 9:18) from 21 judgments and plagues. But God will not allow the devil or evil men to totally annihilate humanity from this planet that is in revolt against Him and His Christ (Mark 14:13-20; John 18:40). In the end, God wins, not Satan (Revelation 20:10).

Globalists. There are Globalists who would like to reduce the population of the world from about 8 billion people down to 500 million people. [2] Think about that for a moment. They consider many people to be nothing more than “useless eaters.” Some (maybe all) of them are eugenicists who have no qualms about murdering babies, handicapped people, or some older people through euthanasia. Question – Who made them God?

“Blood On Jewish Children?” When Jesus was on trial, Pilate, the Roman governor, became very frustrated with the wicked Jewish leaders and the people who hated Jesus and wanted Him crucified because He didn’t meet their expectations of the Messiah. They wanted a political deliverer, a “Welfare King” (John 6:15, 66), not a spiritual one. This is true even to this day.

Relentless. They were persistent in their demands. And so “When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all [against these Jewish people], but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, ‘I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it.’ And all the people answered and said, ‘His blood be on us and on our children.’” (Mathew 27:24, 25). [3]

Sad Story. Is this one of the reasons why the Jews have been persecuted continually by other nations since then? The devil hates the Jews and doesn’t want God to fulfill His promises to them. Know this – God is NOT finished with the Jews (Romans 11:1 ff). Don’t curse them or face serious consequences (Genesis 12:1-3). Future prediction – “And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths” (Zechariah 14:12).

Replaced? The Church has NOT replaced Israel. [4] There is a bright future awaiting Jewish believers who will cry out when Christ [their true Messiah], Who was rejected, returns to this earth to rescue them from total annihilation.

Armageddon.This will take place (perhaps in the very near future) when all the nations of the earth come against the Jews at a place called Armageddon, located in northern Israel (Zechariah 12:1-14; 14:1-9; Revelation 16:16). As Christ descends in a cloud of glory against a totally darkened sky (Matthew 24:29-31; Acts 1:9-11), they will cry out and say, “Hosanna to the Son of David! ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!’ Hosanna in the highest!” (Psalm 118:26; Matthew 23:39).

Christ’s Kingdom. When Christ (Messiah) returns to establish His 1,000 rule over the whole earth (Isaiah 9:6, 7; Revelation 20:1 ff), He will crush and defeat all the unbelieving rebels (Revelation 2:9, 27; 12:5; 19:15; Psalm 2:9). The Jewish and non-Jewish believers who physically survive this seven year “holocaust” will be the ones who will repopulate the earth (Matthew 24:13), just as Noah’s three sons and their wives repopulated the earth in which we now live (Genesis 9).

One Race. There is only “one race” – the “human race” (Acts 17:26). Don’t believe the lie of evolution. [5] There are many ethnic groups and languages that came into existence at “The Tower Of Babel” when God changed their one language into many languages (Genesis 10, 11; See Revelation 5:9; 13:7; 14:6). This is also the time when the continental shift began to take place (Genesis 10:25).

God Is Sovereign. He is in control of everything and nothing takes Him by surprise and nothing man does happens without His permission. His purpose is to glorify Himself by letting His creatures know that He is everything He says He is (John 17:1-5; Exodus 3:14). If you’re a Christian, are you glorifying Him in all that you do? (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Knowledge. You may know and believe many facts that are found in the Bible. You may even believe the facts of the Gospel that Christ died for your sins…and rose again bodily on the third day. But not until you transfer your faith and trust from yourself and your good works over to Christ alone to save you, are you actually saved from eternal condemnation (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Acts 16:31; Romans 8:1). Have you done this yet? If not, why not right now?

Help. We’re here to assist those who want to know the truth that’s found in God’s Word (John 17:17), and respond to it with faith and trust in Christ alone for their salvation. We also want to help believers who have a strong desire to grow spiritually (1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 3:18), to serve God and others with love (1 Peter 4:10; 1 Corinthians 13), and to reproduce themselves (Matthew 28:19, 20). If you fit into this category, and if have questions and/or comments about this article, or others we’ve written, we can be reached here or through our website:

R.S.V.P. – Please let us know if this information helped you, and if it did, how will you let it affect your conduct? Also, please SHARE this with those in your circle of influence.

[1] Rebels – World Economic Forum – WEF (Read & Watch what they’re doing and saying.)


[2[ Population Reduction – Georgia Guide Stones –

[3] A. Hitler quoted Martin Luther –

[4] Replacement Theology –

[5] Evolution vs God – Video

The Order of Coming Events –

Bible Study Book Marker and Dispensations Chart –

Gospel Presentations – How To Be Saved From Eternal Condemnation

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  

Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

Do you ever feel like you are a puppet or a patsy who is being “used” or “controlled” by someone else? Consider the demon possessed girl at Philippi who brought her masters much gain (Acts 16). [1] Some authors claim to have “spirit guides” helping them write their books. Cult leaders and false teachers tell us that they receive new revelation/information from God (See 1 John 4:1-3; 2 Corinthians 11:3, 4, 11-15). [2] Do you ever feel like words are being put in your mouth by someone else? Do they twist your words to mean something other than what you intended for them to mean (2 Peter 3:16)? Do you ever wonder if our politicians are being manipulated and afraid to speak out against all the evil that is going on in our world (Isaiah 5:20; Romans 1:32)? What will happen to them on judgment day (Hebrews 9:27)?

Rulers. God often allows to the basest of men to become the rulers over others (Daniel 4:17, 25)? What’s going on behind the scene? Is there an unseen “chess game” going on between God and the devil? (See Job 1; 2; Daniel 10; Ephesians 6:12) What is at stake? Is there a remote possibility that the devil could lose a few key players but win the match against God? “Dualism” teaches that there are two opposing forces of equal power called good and evil. Is this Biblical? [3]

The Globalists. Todd Hampson writes, What we’re seeing [today] is a globalist plan to take down America. This plan has been in place for decades and has progressively ramped up the past 12 years to never-before seen levels. There are very real, very well organized, very intentional, very prophesied (if I can use that as a term), very powerful people behind the scenes fomenting division, disorder, lawlessness, and instability in America. Globalists want to take America down because it will implode the world economy and they want to rise to power through order out of chaos. It’s on our dollar bills, it’s in their public speeches, it’s out in the open. They don’t even hide it any more. Please research this for yourself and please prove me wrong. It’s hidden in plain sight. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. Behind these globalists is an even bigger, more organized puppet master–Satan himself.” [4]

The Devil’s Plan. Since the devil tried but couldn’t get Jesus Christ to bow down and worship him in exchange for the kingdoms of this world over which he rules (Matthew 4:7-10; Ephesians 2:2), he’s going to try to get God’s chosen people, the Jews, to worship him instead. The final attempt will take place after his man of sin, the lawless one, (“Anti-christ”) has signed a “Seven Year Peace Agreement” with them (Daniel 9:27). He promises to provide peace, prosperity, and protection for the Jews from the surrounding enemy nations for the seven years of the Tribulation but breaks his promise after 3 1/2 years.

Killed. This happens when Russia and her allies come against the tiny nation of Israel in the middle of the Tribulation (Ezekiel 38, 39)  The “Man of Sin/Lawlessness” (Anti-christ) will be allowed by God to go to Israel’s defense and destroy Russia. But he himself will be killed in this battle and to the amazement of everyone, he will also be resuscitated back to life. But then, his assistant, the False Prophet makes a big mistake when he has a statue/image of the Anti-Christ made and placed in the Holy of Holies, in the rebuilt Third Temple. Everyone will be required to bow down to his image and take the “Mark of the Beast” if they want to buy or sell anything. Having learned not to worship idols while they were in Babylon (Daniel 3), the Jews will refuse to bow to the Anti-Christ’s image or take his mark on themselves (Revelation 13).

Petra. In His discourse on the Mount of Olives Jesus warned the Jews who would be alive during this future time to flee, as fast as they can, to the mountains and go to Petra/Sela (Matthew 24:15 ff; Isaiah 16:1). Here God will protect them and provide for them as He did during their wilderness wanderings for 40 years (Nehemiah 9:21). He will also “weed out” the rebellious Jews (through the “Trumpet Judgments”) as He did while they were in the wilderness so that those who endure physically the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7) will be the true believers in the Messiah who was crucified and who died for mankind’s sins…and who rose again bodily on the third day (Matthew 24:13). They, along with Gentile believers who survived the Tribulation, will enter the 1,000 reign of Christ on/over the earth and will repopulate the earth (Matthew 25:1-13, 31-40; Revelation 20; Zechariah 12; 14). The first generation in the millennium will all be saved people.

Rulers. The Old Testament believers will be raised from the dead 75 days after the Tribulation (Daniel 12:12). King David also will be raised from the dead and be the regent on earth under Christ and His Bride, the true Church (Jeremiah 30:9; See Revelation 19:16). Other faithful Old Testament believers will be raised from the dead and will rule over cities on earth (Luke 19:17; See Isaiah 1:26).

Promises. The devil knows that if he can disrupt God’s plan for the ages and keep Him from fulfilling His unconditional promises to the Jews, he can call God an “impotent liar” Who can’t cast him into the lake of fire forever (Matthew 25:41, 46; Revelation 20:10). But God can’t/won’t lie and He will keep all His unconditional promises to the Jews (Titus 1:2; Revelation 1:8; 20:10; See Romans 15:4).

God’s Agenda. The next major event on God’s calendar takes place when Christ keeps His promise to return for those who are true Christians and delivers us from having to go into or through the Seven Year Tribulation on earth (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9; Revelation 3:10). [5] This event is called “The Rapture” (John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). It was a mystery in the Old Testament times, but it shouldn’t be mysterious to Christians (Romans 16:25-27). It is sure, sudden, silent, selective, and satisfying. [6]

Questions. Friend, Are you absolutely sure that you will go to heaven the moment you die? If you are, please write us a note and share with us why you believe God should let you into His heaven. Why? Because “Not everyone who says to Me [Jesus], ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 7:21; See John 6:28, 29).

Help. We want to help you have assurance of your salvation (See 1 John 5:13; 2 Peter 1:10). Once you’re truly saved, we want to help you grow spiritually, serve God and others effectively, and reproduce yourself. If you have questions/comments we can be reached through our website: If this article has helped you, please SHARE it with others.

[1] Demon Possessed Or Oppressed?

[2] Spirit Guides:

[3] Dualism:

[4] Todd Hampson:

Nationalism v Globalism:

[5] True Christians, How To Become One Of Them “Bad News – Good News”

[6] Rapture and Coming Events:

Recommended Reading:

Dr. Renald Showers “What On Earth Is God Doing?”

Marcia Montenegro: “What Is A Spirit Guide?”

In the production of a major motion picture there are many people involved behind the scenes.  Have you ever paid much attention to the list of their names?  Probably not.  But without these people doing their jobs, the motion picture would probably be a flop.

Man’s Last Effort.  Ever since the dawn of human history man has been trying to elevate himself to be like God (Humanism).  Satan deceived Eve into believing that she could become like God, knowing the difference between good and evil and then making the decisions to live a happy and productive life (Genesis 3:5). Upon her and her husband’s eating the forbidden fruit, both of them had their nature’s turned into sinful natures (dispositions) that, from then on, rebelled against the directives of God.  This sin nature has been passed down from generation to generation (Romans 5:1; Psalm 51:5).  We all possess one (1 John 1:8).  Contrary to what some “preachers” are telling people, all true Christians still have their sin nature, even though, at the time of their new birth (John 3:3-5), they also began to participate in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4; See Romans 7:14-25). We all have the potential to engage in all the “works of the flesh” if we yield to the temptations from our sin nature (Galatians 5:16-25). But true Christians cannot live habitually according to the flesh (sin nature) or they will die prematurely (1 John 3:4-10; 5:16; James 5:19, 20; 1 Corinthians 11:30).

Events.  Prior to the coming of the “Seven Years of Tribulation,” as predicted by the Prophet Daniel (9:27), the True Church will be taken out of this world (John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).  With their removal, and the Holy Spirit’s removal of His residence from earth (2 Thessalonians 2:7), the world will go from bad to worse in a very short time.  No doubt, martial law will have to be imposed, and people’s freedoms will disappear quickly.  Then what?  See “The Order of Things To Come” [1]

Main Characters.  Among the main characters in this high drama will be the Antichrist, the false prophet, the Puppet Master – Satan, the Apostate Church, the rulers/kings of the earth, the Jews, and non-Jews.  Think of a game of chess with all its major players and its pawns.  Many people, knowingly or unknowingly, are playing right into the hands of the devil.  They have been called “useful idiots.”  He lulls most of them to sleep (1 John 5:19), but there are some unbelievers who are mature sons of disobedience (Ephesians 2:2; John 8:44; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15).  But the One who will win in the end is the Lord Jesus Christ, who will become “The King of kings” and “The Lord of lords” (Revelation 19:16).  Is He your personal Savior?

Applications.  The Apostle Peter warned Christians to beware of the devil, who goes around like a roaring lion in an effort to overwhelm all those who are opposed to him (1 Peer 5:8).  We all need to “Understand The Times” in which we live and get excited as we see things falling into place rather than falling apart.  On several occasions, Jesus and the writers of Scripture warn us of “Things To Come” (Matthew 24, 25; 1 Timothy 4:1 ff; 2 Timothy 3:1 ff; et al).  Those who ignore the warnings will get hurt and suffer the consequences.  Unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire to suffer forever with the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41, 46).  Carnal Christians will lose rewards without losing their salvation (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; See Romans 8:1).

Help. We’re here to assist you and others if you’re not sure of your salvation. Once saved, we want to help you grow spiritually and live victoriously [3] (2 Peter 3:18), and use your spiritual gift with love (Galatians 5:13; 1 Corinthians 13) for the glory of God and the good of others. Contact us through our website: To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” Share this information with others who are teachable and willing to change (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17). Send us your questions and/or comments.

“The Bad News & The Good News”

My friend, you’re a sinner like all the rest of us.

But Christ died for sinners…and rose again bodily.

Believe on Him alone and you will be saved.

Do it now! [2]

[1]  “The Order Of Things To Come”

“The Order Of Coming Events”

[2]  Gospel Presentations –

[3]  Three Spiritual Enemies 

FREE Bible Study Book Marker –

During World War II, General Douglas MacArthur had to leave the Philippines because of the Japanese threat.  But he said, “I shall return.”  Even though there was a possibility that something might go wrong, and he wouldn’t be able to return and rescue them, in God’s providence he did return and delivered them.

Promise. Before going to the cross to die for our sins…and rise again bodily from the dead on the third day, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God [the Father], believe also in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; it if were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a [single] place for [all of] you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (John 14:1-3).

Scoffers. Jesus said these words 2,000 years ago. The scoffers mock and say, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” But with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. He’s long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:3-9) What about you? Are you a true believer?

When Will Jesus Return?

Jesus said, “All that [God] the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37). Since no one, except God, knows when this number will be complete, true Christians are supposed to keep glorifying God (i. e. making Him known to others) and sharing the Gospel with lost people until He returns (See 1 Corinthians 10:31).

Blinded. The Apostle Paul tells us that the unsaved Jewish people currently have a judicial blindness over their spiritual eyes, so that they don’t see and believe in Jesus as the Promised Messiah (Romans 11:25). They, as a nation, rejected Him since He didn’t fulfill their political expectations. In order for anyone to be saved today, whether he’s Jewish or not, he/she must believe in/on the Lord [His deity] Jesus [true humanity] Christ Who died for all our sins…and rose again bodily on the third day” (Acts 16:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4). When a Jew or a non-Jew gets saved today, they both lose their unique distinctions and become one spiritual body in Christ (Galatians 3:28; Ephesians 2:15). There shouldn’t be “Jewish Christian Churches” and “Gentile Christian Churches.”

God isn’t finished with the Jewish nation (See Romans 9-11). God has not replaced the Jews with the Church (Replacement Theology) [1]. Those who believe this heresy will contribute to the worst holocaust in history. Are you and/or is your church doing this? Are you or is it involved in B.D.S. (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) Israel? If so, read Genesis 12:1-3 very carefully!

Adolph Hitler. Are you aware of the fact that Adolph Hitler was inspired by the anti-Semitic writings of Martin Luther “The Jews And Their Lies”? When Luther couldn’t convert the Jews to Christianity, he turned against them with a vengeance. [2]

Covenants. Before the Jews get all that God has promised to give to them in the “unconditional covenants,” (Example: the Promised Land – Genesis 15:18-21), they must go through “the time of Jacob’s [Israel’s] trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7). This will take place during last half of the upcoming “Seven Years Of Tribulation” that was predicted in the Old Testament (Daniel 9:27; See Matthew 24:15 ff; Revelation 12:13-17). This event seems to be right around the corner from where we are in time now (See our “Understanding The Times – Dispensation Chart” on our website).

How Will Jesus Return?

Confusion. Many people are confused today because they fail to realize that the “Rapture Of The Church” and the “Second Coming Of Christ” are two distinct events separated by seven years. One was a mystery during the Old Testament times (1 Corinthians 15:51, 5 2; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Romans 16:25, 26). The other event was well known (1 Thessalonians 5:2). [3]

Why Will Jesus Return?

Promises. God will keep all His unconditional covenants (promises) that He made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants (Romans 15:4). If He doesn’t, then none of us as Christians can be assured that He will keep His promises to us either. But God cannot lie (Titus 1:2; John 14:6; 17:17).

Claim. When “all whom the Father has given to the Son, have come to Him” (John 6:37), God the Father will tell the God the Son to come back to claim His Bride, the True Church, and take us to the place that He has been preparing for all true Christians (John 14:1-3; Revelation 21:9 ff). Are you sure that you you be included in this group? Or will you be “left behind” to enter the “Seven Years of the Tribulation”? If you do, you will have a 50/50 chance of surviving it (See Revelation 6:8; 9;15)

What Follows These Things?

To learn more about the coming events, see our “Understanding The Times – Dispensations Chart” on our website and read the corresponding article. (See Below.) [4]


Purpose. God doesn’t give us His Word just for our information, but for our transformation (2 Timothy 3:16, 17; Romans 12:1, 2). He won’t leave true believers in the condition in which He found us. He takes sinners of all kinds and washes them, sanctifies them, and justifies them (See 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). On our Wedding Day (Rapture) all true Christians will be presented to Him as a chaste virgin (2 Corinthians 11:2). The blood that Jesus shed on the cross (1 Peter 1:19), once and for all (Hebrews 10:10), to pay the debt we owed to God the Father (Romans 6:23), made it all possible for us to have Christ’s righteousness put to our account. Without it, we’d be condemned forever with the devil and his angels in the lake of fire (See John 16:8-11; Matthew 25:41, 46).

Help. We’re here to help you and others who are teachable and willing to change (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17). We want you to make sure that you are saved and headed for heaven (1 John 5:13). We also want to help you grow spiritually (2 Peter 3:18), learn how to serve God by using your spiritual gift with love (Galatians 5:13; 1 Corinthians 13; 1 Peter 4:10). Discover the joy of leading someone else to Christ and earning the “Crown of Rejoicing” (1 Thessalonians 2:19, 20). We can be reached through our website: To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” Send us your questions/comments and SHARE this with others who might benefit from it.

[1] Replacement Theology

     Can The Jews Be Destroyed?

[2] Martin Luther,

[3] Rapture vs. Second Coming

[4] Order of Things To Come