Archive for the ‘Suffering’ Category

Attitude + Aptitude = Altitude [1]

Influencer: “a person who inspires or guides the actions of others.” – Merriam-Webster

Whether we realize it or not, “We affect those around us by how we live, whether purposefully or passively, for good or for evil…A godly influence is someone who helps people understand the gospel [1 Corinthians 15:3, 4], grow in their knowledge of Scripture [2 Peter 3:18], walk in righteousness [Galatians 5:16, 25], serve and follow Christ [Galatians 5:13], support His work [2 Corinthians 9:7], and spread the message of His salvation [Mark 16:15]…Influence is both a privilege and a responsibility.” – Dr. Charles Stanley [2]

An evil influencer does just the opposite. He stirs up strife and contention which can lead to his and others’ destruction.Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful” (Psalm 1:1). “My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent” (Proverbs 1:10). “Do not be deceived: ‘Evil company corrupts good habits’” (1 Corinthians 15:33).

Question. Who or what has influenced us or is influencing us for good and/or for evil? Who’s our friend and who’s our enemy? Can a person be both? Do spirit beings (angels & demons) influence us and others? If so, how?

Let’s Think About Some Good Influencers In The Bible –

Joseph: He was sold by his jealous brothers and taken down to Egypt where he suffered for many years in prison after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife for a crime he didn’t commit. But after interpreting Pharaoh’s dream one day, he was put at his right hand in the court of Egypt. It was through Joseph that food, in a time of famine, was supplied for the [Jewish people] and others to keep them alive. Who but God would have thought of that? 

Esther: God sovereignly put this young Jewish girl in the court of King Ahasuerus. It’s hard to imagine the pressures she must have been under as she thought about the possibility of her fellow Jews being annihilated if she was unwilling to risk her own life to save their lives. But it was through her, that the Jewish people were delivered from a holocaust. 

Daniel: As a young man, he was taken as a captive to Babylon because of the sins of the Jewish people. Several years later, after he interpreted the king’s dream, God put him in a high position in the court of Nebuchadnezzar. Imagine how difficult this may have been as he was surrounded by pagan idol worshippers. Yet it was all in the good purpose of God to reveal to this king and to the rest of us what would happen in the future under the world empires.

“Expect to be troubled and misunderstood. But trust God to keep you.” [3]

Andrew: He introduced his brother Peter to the Lord (John 1:41, 42). But a few years later, when Jesus was being tried unjustly, Peter denied that he knew the Lord (Matthew 26:34; 75). Thankfully, after he got turned around, he was instrumental in influencing thousands of Jews to believe in Christ on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 3:11 ff).

Paul. He once was a persecutor of Christians and consented to Stephen’s death (Acts 7:58; 8:1-3). He (not Peter) became the steward of the “Dispensation of Grace” in which we now live (Ephesians 3:1 ff). He started many churches in Asia Minor and in Europe and influenced many people to become Christians (1 Corinthians 3:5).

Jesus – The greatest influencer of others was the Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). “For to this [suffering] you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps…” (1 Peter 2:21). All believers who desire to live godly lives can/should expect to be persecuted for the cause of Christ (2 Timothy 3:12; See Romans 8:18).

God The Holy Spirit – Today He indwells all true Christians (John 14:17). He is the One Who energizes and enables us to do the things God desires for us to do (Philippians 2:13; 4:13). However, we can and often do resist Him to our own detriment (2 Timothy 2:12). No one can resist His determinative will (Romans 9:19; Ephesians 1:11).

Some Bad Influencers

The Devil & Demons – From time to time they are permitted to put evil thoughts in a believer’s mind and in the minds of unbelievers (Acts 5:3; See 1 Kings 22:19-23). When tempted, a Christian must be sober and vigilant (1 Peter 5:8), submit to God (James 4:8), put on the whole armor of God, and then resist the devil/demons to overcome their 14 solicitations to trespass and then sin (Ephesians 2:1; 1 John 3:4; James 1:12-15). This causes him/them to leave us for a season (Ephesians 6:12-17; 2 Corinthians10:3-6). Once we’ve overcome the devil/demons, we must “pray” for other believers in their time of need (Ephesians 6:18). The devil also has mature sons of disobedience who love to do what he wants them to do (Ephesians 2:2; John 8:44; 1 John 3:10).

Religious Leaders. The devil has many religious leaders proclaiming a false gospel (2 Corinthians 11:3, 4, 12-15) and other ways of salvation (Ephesians 2:8, 9). He blinds the minds of unsaved people to keep them from seeing and believing the true Gospel so they can be saved (2 Corinthians 4:4). Only God the Holy Spirit can convict unbelievers of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:8-11). The devil lulls most of his children to sleep spiritually so they aren’t aware of the impending danger (1 John 5:19; Revelation 21:8). [4]

Wicked People. Unsaved people and carnal Christians often have a negative influence on others. Their vile language and lifestyle can rub off on us. We need to have contact with them, but we aren’t to be contaminated by them. They might be our relatives, fellow workers, neighbors, or the people we watch and listen to on television or on the radio.

The Present Diabolical World System. It was devised by the devil in the days of Cain in an effort to control certain aspects of man’s sin nature (Luke 11:51, 52; Genesis 4:16-24; Galatians 5:19-21). As Christians, we can/must use the world system (1 Corinthians 7:31), but we are not to misuse it and “agape” love it (1 John 2:15-17). It appeals to the the lust [strong desires] of the flesh [sin nature], the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life [the vainglory of ownership]. It also is passing away and will be destroyed (2 Peter 3:11). [5]

The Coming Man Of Sin (Antichrist) & The False Prophet – After the true Church has been removed from the earth and taken to heaven (John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-10), the debonair, charismatic “Man of Sin / Antichrist” will be elevated to power by the 10 kings from the Revived Roman Empire, and the Apostate Harlot Church. He will deceive the nations by performing the same kind of miracles that Jesus and the Apostles did in the early days of the church (Act 2:22; 2 Thessalonians 2:8-10). After the “Man of Sin – Antichrist” is killed in the middle to the Tribulation, and brought back to life, he will demand that everyone, including the Jews worship him and take his mark (666) in order for them and all others to buy and sell things (Revelation 13:11-18). When the Jews refuse, he will pursue them with a vengeance but he won’t be able to exterminate all of them. Two thirds of the Jews who rebel against the Lord while they are being protected in Sela (Petra) will die during the last half of the Tribulation (Zechariah 13:8, 9; Isaiah 16:1 ff; Jeremiah 30:7). [6]

Back To Some Good Examples

The Hall Of Faith Believers Some were delivered; others weren’t (Hebrews 11).

Christian Martyrs – They will receive the “Crown of Life” (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10). [7]

Christian Biographies – Dedicated servants of the Lord. [8]

Thank Them. If you have had some good influencers, mentors, motivators, exhorters, comforters, and encouragers who have helped you in life, take time to thank them if you can. If you had bad ones, learn from them what not to do (1 Corinthians 10:1-13).

Think About This. God caused you and me to be alive at this time in human history. He has a purpose and a plan for each believer. Jesus said, “You [disciples] did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you” (John 15:16). “For we [Christians] are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). “As each [Christian] has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10; Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 4:11-16).

The Rapture. Christ won’t return for the true Church / the spiritual “Body of Christ” to make us “His Bride” until all whom the Father has given to the Son have come to Him, through the proclamation of the Gospel, and been saved and done some praiseworthy works (John 6:37; 1 Corinthians 4:5). Every Christian can/should have a part in this by sharing the clear Gospel message with the lost (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).

To Be A Godly Influencer And To Be A Blessing To Others, We Are Admonished To –

“Walk by means of the Holy Spirit, and be filled by Him so He can produce His “Fruit” (Christ likeness) in our lives (Galatians 5:16-25; Ephesians 5:18). We then become responsible to direct it properly toward the right objects, at the right time, for God’s glory and the good of others (1 Corinthians 10:31; Galatians 6:10). We are to look for other faithful believers to whom we can pass on what was given to us (2 Timothy 2:2). Are you doing this?

As believers, we are told to “[Put] away lying, ‘Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,’ for we are members of one another.  ‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need. Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:25-32).

Summing It Up

If we, as Christians, want to have a positive and godly influence on others, we need to be humble, sacrificial, strategic, and do what we do for the glory of God and the good of others. [9] As Dr. Stanley pointed out, we need to share the clear Gospel with unbelievers [1 Corinthians 15:3, 4]. Once they’re saved, we need to help them grow in their knowledge of the Scriptures [2 Peter 3:18], show them how to walk in righteousness [Galatians 5:16, 25], serve and follow Christ [Galatians 5:13], support His work [2 Corinthians 9:7], and spread the message of His salvation to the lost [Mark 16:15]? We should consider the fact that being an “influencer” for Christ to be both a privilege and a responsibility. Are you having a positive, godly influence on others? If not, why?

The Gospel Mandate For Unbelievers [10]

Friend, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, Who died for all our sins (once and for all) …and rose again bodily on the third day, and you will be saved from hell to heaven (Acts 16:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).

If you’ve never done this before, do it NOW! Once you’ve done this, contact us for more information so we can help you grow spiritually.


We’re here to assist those who are teachable, willing to change, and who want to grow spiritually and reproduce themselves. We can be reached through our website: or through our FB page. If you’d like to receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” If this has helped you, please LIKE & SHARE it with others.


[1] Attitude

[2] Dr. Charles Stanley, Requirements Of A Godly Influence,the%20message%20of%20His%20salvation.


[3] Colin Smith

[4] The Devil – Facts & Fallacies

[5] Lusts – Good And Bad

[6] The Order Of Coming Events – And the influence of the “Man of Sin / Antichrist”

[7] Christian Martyrs

[8] Christian Biographies

[9] Kelly Needham

[10] Gospel Presentations

Scripture taken from the New King James Version

Copyright c. 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved

There are no “accidents” in the lives of Christians, only “incidents.” They are designed to give us an opportunity to display before other believers and non-believers the “Fruit of the Spirit” which is Christlikeness (Galatians 5:22, 23). Question – will we pass or fail the test that is given to us? Will we demonstrate our “agape” love for God and earn “The Crown of Life” (James 1:12)?

James, the Lord’s half-brother (Matthew 13:35), wrote these words to Jewish Christians who were experiencing severe hardships and trials in life (James 1). The Apostle Paul wrote, “…all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus said, “They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service” (John 16:2). But such suffering is not worth comparing to the glory that shall be revealed in us (Romans 8:18).

Since we who are Gentile Christians are one with Jewish Christians (Galatians 3:28, 29), we can apply these words to ourselves too (Ephesians 4:4-6; 1 Corinthians 12:12-14). BTW – The Church has NOT replaced Israel. God is not finished with the Jewish nation. (See 1 Corinthians 10:32; Romans 11). [1]

Profiting from Trials

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patienceBut let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothingIf any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

The Perspective of Rich and Poor

Let the lowly brother glory in his exaltation10 but the rich in his humiliation, because as a flower of the field he will pass away. 11 For no sooner has the sun risen with a burning heat than it withers the grass; its flower falls, and its beautiful appearance perishes. So the rich man also will fade away in his pursuits.

Loving God Under Trials

12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin [lawlessness – 1 John 3:4]; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.

16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures.

Qualities Needed in Trials

19 So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Doers—Not Hearers Only

21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

26 If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.


What valuable lessons do you believe God is trying to teach you through your trials? Write them down on a sheet of paper or in your journal. Share them with a few people to encourage and edify them (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4; 1 Thessalonians 5:11). Let God develop His character (the “Fruit of the Spirit”) through you so others can learn more about your God. This is a way for believers to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31).


We’re here to assist those who are teachable, willing to change, and grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 3:18). We can be reached here or through our website: To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.”

[1] Replacement Theology –


Scripture taken from the New King James Version

Copyright c. 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

“Tucked away in a quiet corner of every life are wounds and scars. If they were not there, we would need no Physician. Nor would we need one another.” – Chuck Swindoll [1]

Jesus said this to His disciples, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

And the night before He was crucified on a cross He said, “Abide [i.e. feel at ease] in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4, 5).

“This fruit can be seen in Christlike character (2 Peter 1:5-8; Galatians 5:22, 23), a life characterized by good works (Colossians 1:10), a faithful witness (1 Corinthians 16:15), a pair of lips that praise God (Hebrews 13:15), and through generous giving of one’s money (Romans 15:28; Philippians 4:17).  – Dr. Charles C. Ryrie So Great Salvation” p. 50.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:1, 2).

Realizing the need that every Christian has, Lina Sandell wrote this –

Day By Day” [2]

“Day by day, and with each passing moment,
Strength I find to meet my trials here;
Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment,
I’ve no cause for worry or for fear.

“He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure,
Gives unto each day what He deems best,
Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure,
Mingling toil with peace and rest.”

Song writers Annie S. Hawks and Robert Lowry went a little further and wrote about an hourly relationship that we all need to have with the Lord.

“I need Thee every hour
Most gracious Lord
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford

“I need Thee, O I need Thee
Every hour I need Thee
O bless me now, my Savior
I come to Thee.” [3]

But Daniel W. Whittle wrote about a “Moment By Moment” relationship each Christian needs.

“Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine;
Living with Jesus, a new life divine;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine,
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.

“Moment by moment I’m kept in His love;
Moment by moment I’ve life from above;
Looking to Jesus till glory doth shine;
Moment by moment, O Lord, I am Thine.” [4]

I don’t know about you, but I, as a believer in Christ, am delighted to know that I am held securely in God’s almighty hands (John 10:28 29). He knows everything about me and all His other children, with all of our short comings, and still loves us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3; John 13:34, 35). God the Father also disciplines and chastens His unruly children (Hebrews 12:5 ff).

My friend, Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Have you placed your faith and trust in Him alone, Who died for your sins…and rose again bodily on the third day? If not yet, why not NOW?

Perhaps you will agree with author Ruth Caye Jones who wrote: “In times like these, we need a Savior / In times like these, we need an anchor / Be very sure, be very sure / Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock. / This Rock is Jesus, Yes, He’s the one / This Rock is Jesus, The only One / Be very sure, be very sure / Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.” [5]

If you are a true Christian do you know someone who may need your help? Are you Faithful, Available, Teachable, Flexible, Resilient, Evangelistic, and Enthusiastic (F.A.T.F.R.E.E.)? [6]

Here are some action steps. (1) Choose three people whom you can encourage by saying healing words. (2) Trust someone by letting him know of your hurt and allowing him to aid you in the healing process. [1]

My days on earth are limited. We’re here to assist those who are teachable, willing to change, and grow spiritually. We can be reached here or through our website:

[1] Chuck Swindoll, “Growing Strong In The Seasons of Life” Multnomah Press, Portland, OR. p. 78

[2] “Day By Day”

[3] “I Need Thee”

[4] “Moment By Moment”

[5] “In Times Like These”

[6] F.A.T.F.R.E.E. Test. –

The Gospel :

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  

Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is too hard for God. He is omnipotent (Revelation 1:8) and omniscient (Isaiah 46:10). With every problem that we face here on earth, there is a solution to it. Christians are free to ask God for the wisdom they need to resolve a seemingly impossible matter. However, notice some specific conditions (James 1:5-8). Contrast God’s wisdom with worldly wisdom (James 3:13-18)

Our God “is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20). Do you honestly believe this? If not, why?

Helpers. God also may use spiritually maturing fellow believers, who have gone through similar situations, to help us find the answers we need to solve our problems (See 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4). Through “agape” love we (Christians) can/should serve one another (Galatians 5:13; See 1 Corinthians 13).

Promise. “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Examples. Consider Abraham’s painful test regarding offering his son Isaac as a sacrifice (Genesis 22), the Jews at the Red Sea (Exodus 14), Jethro’s advice to Moses who was overextending himself (Genesis 18:13-27), Daniel and his friend’s dietary dilemma (Daniel 1), Esther and Haman’s threat to annihilate the Jews (Esther 4 ff ), and the believers in the “Hall of Faith.” Many were delivered; others weren’t. But they still brought glory to God (Hebrews 11).

Christ’s Work. God was glorified through the death of Christ for our sins and His bodily resurrection from the dead (John 17:4, 5). It demonstrated God’s love for sinful humanity (John 3:16). How are you glorifying God by making Him known to others (1 Corinthians 10:31).

God will make a way
Where there seems to be no way
He works in ways we cannot see
He will make a way for me.”

Don Moen

Doubting God? Remember – God loves to show Himself strong on the behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). Is your heart right with God or are there things that need to be confessed to Him (1 John 1:9)? Are you doubting God and His promises to you (2 Peter 1:4). How many of them do you know and claim? [1] Do you know that doing something while doubting is sin (Romans 14:23).

On Being Thankful. [2] Have you thanked God for allowing you to be put in a situation that seems to have no solution (1 Thessalonians 5:18), for everything apart from sin (Ephesians 5:20), and for all men (1 Timothy 2:1)?

God’s Eyes. Keep this in mind – “… the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

The Red Sea Rules [3]

#1: Realize that God means for you to be where you are.

#2: Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief.

#3: Acknowledge your enemy, but keep your eyes on the Lord.

#4: Pray!

#5: Stay calm and confident, and give God time to work.

#6: When unsure, just take the next logical step by faith.

#7: Envision God’s enveloping presence.

#8: Trust God to deliver in His own unique way.

#9: View your current crisis as a faith builder for the future.

#10: Don’t forget to praise Him.


“Got any rivers you think are impossible?
Got any mountains you can not tunnel thorough?
God specializes in things thought impossible
And He can do what no other God can do.”

Oscar C. Eliason

Gospel. [3] Maybe you have a bigger problem than you realize – perhaps you’re not a Christian yet. If so, you need to know that Christ died for your sins…and rose again bodily from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4). To be delivered from eternal condemnation in hell, you must place your faith and trust in Him alone to save you (Acts 16:31). We are NOT saved by our good works (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5).

Action Steps. In light of what you have read, what specific things do you need to do today? The Apostle Paul wrote, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). Think you have problems? Consider his suffering (2 Corinthians 11:22-33). Why did he say he was willing to endure what he did (2 Timothy 2:10)? What hardships are you willing to endure for the benefit of others, especially fellow Christians (Galatians 6:10)? “Hereby know we love, because He [Christ] laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” (1 John 3:16).

Help. If you have questions and/or comments, we can be reached here or through our website: We’re here to assist those who are teachable, willing to change, and grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 3:18). Help us reach others by SHARING this with those in your circle of influence. To receive future articles as they come out, click on the notification Bell or Follow.

[1] Promises.

[2] On Being Thankful.

[3] Red Sea Rules, Book by Robert J. Morgan

[4] Gospel.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version

Copyright c. 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

In these troubled times, those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, can enjoy “peace with God” and the “peace of God” (Romans 5:1; Philippians 4:6, 7). They are the ones who have placed their faith and trust in Him alone, as the One Who died for their sins, was buried, and Who rose again bodily on the third day (Acts 16:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4). Have you done this yet? If not, why not right now? Need spiritual help? Contact us.

In the “Hall of Faith” (Hebrews11) you will find many Old Testament believers who were miraculously delivered by God from harmful or difficult situations. But you will also find other believers who weren’t delivered and yet endured without denying the Lord. [1]

Think about this – “God delivers us from all our sicknesses except the last one which will lead to our physical death.” It is a general rule that all men die once (Hebrews 9:27; See Genesis 2:17; Romans 6:23). Some didn’t and some won’t die (Enoch – Genesis 5:21-24; Elijah – 2 Kings 2:1, 11; Christians who are alive at the Rapture – 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

But there are different judgments of men’s works which will take place at different times. The Lord Jesus Christ, the omniscient God-man, will be the “Righteous Judge” Who will determine each one’s sentence (John 5:22; 2 Timothy 4:8; Revelation 20:11-15). He will determine the degree of enjoyment that believers will have in the next life, or the degree of suffering that unbelievers will experience in the next life (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Revelation 20:11-15).

To encourage and uplift fellow believers who may be suffering, Christians over the centuries have written songs, perhaps from their own life experiences, to calm the troubled souls (emotions) of other believers (See 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4). Here are a couple of them:

God Leads Us Along”

In shady, green pastures so rich and so sweet

God leads His dear children along
Where the water’s cool flow bathes the weary one’s feet

God leads His dear children along

Some through the water, some through the flood

Some through the fire, but all through the blood

And some through great sorrow, but God gives the song

In the night season and all the day long. [2]


God hath not promised skies always blue, / Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;
God hath not promised sun without rain, / Joy without sorrow, peace without pain.
But God hath promised strength for the day, / Rest for the labor, light for the way,
Grace for the trials, help from above, / Unfailing sympathy, undying love. [3]

Jews vs Christians

The Jews, living under the “Mosaic Law,” could generally expect health and wealth if they were obedient; Disobedient Jews faced a curse (Deuteronomy 28). Christians (believers from the Day of Pentecost to the Rapture) who live godly lives, can/should expect to be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12; John 16:1-4, 33). But “…the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). The “Crown of Life” awaits Christians who resist sinful temptations even up to the point of death (James 1:12; Revelation 2:10).

One More Thing. Don’t try to claim promises that weren’t given to you or you could be very disappointed and get angry at God when you shouldn’t be. [4] Beware of the “Health, Wealth, and Happiness Preachers” who proclaim a different Gospel and a different Christ (2 Corinthians 11:3, 4, 13-15). “Your Best Life Now” is true for unbelievers who face an eternity without Christ in the Lake of Fire (Mathew 25:30, 41, 46). The Christian’s best life is yet future when we see Christ face to face at the Rapture (1 John 3:2; 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). Perhaps Today!

Help. We’re here to offer assistance to those who are teachable, willing to change, and then grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 3:18). Over the years, we’ve been through some “raging rivers” and on “rugged mountain paths.” But we’ve been comforted by God through His Word and some of His people, and so we want to extend God’s comfort to you if you long for it (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4). Ask about “Barnabas Notes.”

We can be reached here or through our website:

If this has been a help and encouragement to you, please LIKE and SHARE it with others. To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.”

[1] John Foxe’s – Book Of Martyrs.

[2] “God Leads Us Along”

[3] “God Has Not Promised” –

[4] Promises.

Sticker Shock. I’m quite sure that you don’t need to be told that the prices of goods and services have risen dramatically over the last several months and years. People all over the world are in panic mode, fearful of the future. What about you? Are you at “peace with God” (Romans 5:1)? Do you enjoy the “peace of God” (Philippians 4:6, 7)? If not, would you like to have this kind of peace?

Threats. “Right now, there are at least nineteen existential threats that are currently hanging over our collective heads like a giant boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff on the San Andreas faultline. Crazily enough, none of these threats include Covid, transgendered bathroom rights, or man-made climate change. However, for the sake of argument, here are said nineteen existential threats to both our nation and the world: (1) Nuclear war with Russia, China, North Korea, (2) Dirty bombs detonated in major cities, (3) EMP attack by the aforementioned, (4) The collapse of the U.S. Dollar, (5) A serious bioengineered pandemic, (6) A massive cyber attack, etc. For more, click on link below. [1]

Blame. It’s not hard for us to blame others for all the problems were facing. Whom would you blame? The Republicans and Donald Trump, the Democrats and Joe Biden, the Big Corporations, your parents, your boss, or perhaps others? What role do you personally play and what are you doing to change things that you don’t like? [2]

First things first. “An unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates [3] Not my brother, not my sister, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer;…Not the preacher, not the deacon, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer;…Not my father, not my mother, …Not the stranger, not my neighbor, but it’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer;” – African-American spiritual song. These dear people understood and believed what God had to say about all of us, regardless of our skin color. (Romans 3:10-23; 6:23; 5:8)

The Problem. American NFL player, Benjamin Watson pointed out that the problem in the world today involves sin, not one’s skin color. He’s right. [4] Candace Owens provides “A Short History of Slavery.” [5] Sadly, it will exist even during the Seven Years of the Coming Tribulation which seems to be “just around the corner” when “The Man of Sin – Antichrist” is ruling over the whole world (Revelation 18:13). [6]

God’s Will. It involves both His determinative will which cannot be altered, and His desirous will which we may or may not carry out because of the limited freedom that we have been given. (7) He desires that all of humanity be saved (1 Timothy 2:1-4). How does someone do this? (8)

Help. We’re here to offer assistance to those who are teachable, willing to change, and then grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 3:18). We’ve been through many “raging rivers” and on “rugged mountain paths.” But we’ve been comforted by God through His Word and His people, and so we want to extend God’s comfort to you if you long for it (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4).

We can be reached here or through our website:

If this has been a help and encouragement to you, please SHARE it with others. To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.”

[1] Pete Garcia –

[2] The Blame Game –

[3] An Unexamined Life –

[4] The Problem – Sin.

[5] A Short History of Slavery – Candace Owens

[6] The Order of Coming Events –

(7) The Will Of God –

(8) The Bad News & The Good News –

If you attend church, have you ever thought about those who may be sitting around you, or who may be visiting the church you call home? Perhaps they, like you, are hurting deeply and may be looking for “… a church where folks in the lurch are encouraged, then healed from above; Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the truth is modeled in love.” – Charles R. Swindoll (This can be sung to the tune of “O Give Me A Home Where The Buffalo Roam…”.

There are many people (perhaps this includes you) in the “lurch” who feel they’ve been deceived, defrauded, deluded, duped, fleeced, hoodwinked, misled, swindled, tricked, victimized, baffled, bamboozled, betrayed, cheated, gouged, overcharged, burned, hassled by others including two bit religious hucksters.

Now, if you ever find a perfect local church, don’t join it. You’ll make it imperfect. But maturing believers can have a part in making a local church a more desirable place to attend, where the Gospel is proclaimed clearly so the lost can be saved from hell to heaven, [1] and where believers can be edified in their faith, and equipped for service, and eager to reproduce other believers.

Instead of singing, “O give me a church…” perhaps we should sing,“O make us a church where folks in the lurch are encouraged, then healed from above; Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the truth is modeled in love.”

I came across this piece by Beverly Palmer who wrote –

Church Is Hard

Church is hard for the person walking through the doors, afraid of judgement.

Church is hard for the pastor’s family, under the microscope of an entire body.

Church is hard for the prodigal soul returning home, broken and battered by the world.

Church is hard for the girl who looks like she has it all together, but doesn’t.

Church is hard for the couple who fought the entire ride to service.

Church is hard for the single mom, surrounded by couples holding hands, and seemingly perfect families.

Church is hard for the widow and widower with no invitation to lunch after service.

Church is hard for the deacon with an estranged child.

Church is hard for the person singing worship songs, overwhelmed by the weight of the lyrics.

Church is hard for the man insecure in his role as a leader.

Church is hard for the wife who longs to be led by a righteous man.

Church is hard for the nursery volunteer who desperately longs for a baby to love.

Church is hard for the single woman and single man, praying God brings them a mate.

Church is hard for the teenage girl, wearing a scarlet letter, ashamed of her mistakes.

Church is hard for the sinners.

Church is hard for me.

It’s hard because on the outside it all looks shiny and perfect. Sunday best in behavior and dress. However, underneath those layers, you find a body of imperfect people, carnal souls, selfish motives.


Church isn’t a building, mentality, or expectation.

Church is a body.

Church is a group of sinners, saved by grace, living in fellowship as saints.

Church is a body of believers bound as brothers and sisters by an eternal love.

Church is a holy ground where sinners stand as equals before the Throne of Grace.

Church is a refuge for broken hearts and a training ground for mighty warriors.

Church is a converging of confrontation and invitation. Where sin is confronted and hearts are invited to seek restoration.

Church is a lesson in faith and trust.

Church is a bearer of burdens and a giver of hope.

Church is a family. A family coming together, setting aside differences, forgetting past mistakes, rejoicing in the smallest of victories.

Church, the body, and the circle of sinners-turned-saints, is where He resides, and if we ask, He is faithful to come.

So even on the hard days at church—The days when I am at odds with a friend, when I’ve fought with my husband because we’re late once again. When I’ve walked in bearing burdens heavier than my heart can handle, yet masking the pain with a smile on my face. When I’ve worn a scarlet letter, under the microscope. When I’ve longed for a baby to hold, or fought tears as the lyrics were sung. When I’ve walked back in, afraid and broken, after walking away.

I’ll remember, He [the Lord] has never failed to meet me there.

Meet The Savior

If you’ve never met the Savior, and have never been told the Gospel (Good News) that Christ died for your sins, was buried for three days and nights, and then rose again bodily from the dead, you need to know and believe these facts and then place your faith and trust in Him alone as the only One Who can deliver you from eternal condemnation in hell and take you to heaven to be with Him forever. We are NOT saved by our good works, but by the grace (unmerited favor) of God (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4; Acts 16:31; Ephesians 2:8, 9).

HELP. We’re here to offer assistance to those who are teachable, willing to change, and then grow spiritually (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 3:18). We’ve been through many “raging rivers” and on “rugged mountain paths.” For many years we’ve been comforted by God through His Word and His people, and so we want to extend God’s comfort to you if you long for it so you can pass it one to others in need (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4; 2 Timothy 2:2).

If you have questions and/or comments, or prayer requests, we can be reached here or through our website:

If this has been a help and encouragement to you, please LIKE and SHARE it with others. To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.”

[1] Gospel Presentations-

The Gospel Mandate

 Friend, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, Who died for all our sins (once and for all) …and rose again bodily on the third day, and you will be saved from hell to heaven (Acts 16:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).

 If you’ve never done this before, do it NOW! Once you’ve done this, contact us for more information so we can help you grow spiritually.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version

Copyright c. 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved

Strange Church Members

We firmly believe that while there are many ways for someone to die physically, there is only one way for someone to enter heaven. Jesus said, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). This is not a “politically correct” statement and it raises some people’s ire (anger, wrath, fury) when we say this. But it is still a true statement.

The Apostle Peter. He got himself into “hot water” with the religious, Jewish leaders when he said, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name [i.e. Jesus’] under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). They threatened him and told the disciples not to speak to any man in Jesus’ name (Acts 4:18). “But Peter and John answered and said to them, ‘Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard’” (Acts 4:19, 20). The persecution of Christians has been going on since the early days of the Church. Jesus told His disciples to expect it (John 16:2; See 2 Timothy 3:12). It’s happening in may places around the world and it’s intensifying in our country. We should pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering for the cause of Christ.

The Apostle Paul. When he went to the city of Philippi to point people to Christ and to start a local church, there was a young girl who was possessed with a spirit of divination. She followed Paul and Silas around and said, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation” (Acts 16:17). From the Greek text, in which the New Testament was written, she actually was saying that “these men…proclaim to us ‘a’ way of salvation.” This greatly annoyed Paul. So he commanded the demon spirit to come out of her. This kept her from making money for her masters which led to Paul and Silas’ being beaten unjustly and thrown in jail. This eventually led to the salvation of the jailor and his family when they put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, who died for their sins…and rose again bodily from the dead on the third day (Acts 16:31-33). Yes, good can come out of bad situations.

Suffering. Has your personal suffering for Christ been responsible for someone’s being saved? Do others even know that you are a Christian? Maybe you’re not truly saved yet. Are you ashamed of Jesus as Peter was? Why should God let you into His heaven? If you are depending on any of your “good works” for your salvation, you’re not saved (Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5). Be honest with yourself! If you have doubts, we’re here to help you gain assurance of your salvation (1 John 5:13).

Abundant Life. Not only did Jesus come to show us the only way to God in heaven and how to secure “eternal life” (God’s quality of life), He also wanted us to enjoy this kind of life “more abundantly” (John 10:10). Every person has everlasting life (existence) and will spend it either in God’s presence or he/she will be separated forever from God in the lake of fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels/demons (John 14:1-3; Matthew 25:41, 46). The wicked dead are NOT annihilated or reincarnated as some cults and religions teach. Our living “abundantly” involves –

Walking By Faith. “The [justified ones] shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17). We need to know the promises that God has given to Christians and mix them with faith so we can enjoy “Divine rest” and the “peace of God” that surpasses all understanding (Hebrews 4:2 ff; Philippians 4:6, 7). Not every promise in the Bible is ours to claim. Some of them were addressed to the Jews alone. Some were conditional (Example: The “Ten Commandments” Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 28). Others were unconditional. (Examples: Genesis 12:1-3; 15:18-21; 17:1-8; 2 Samuel 7:4-17; Jeremiah 31:31-33). Some promises were given to specific individuals like Abraham regarding his having a son in his old age (Genesis 15:1-6).

Living By The Right Rules. When we interpret the Scriptures normally, historically, grammatically, and contextually, as we should, we soon discover that God has different rules for different people in different times. They’re called “Dispensations.” Three main ones include “Law,” “Grace,” and “Kingdom.” Sadly, many Christians try to live by the wrong set of rules – “Mosaic Law,” or “Kingdom” instead of by “Grace” principles. The seven “Dispensations” are designed to test mankind’s obedience to God which most people fail. They are not different ways of salvation as some have suggested. They are designed to demonstrate to us that no matter what a person does independently of God, he/she can’t please God in his/her own strength (John 15:5). (Download a FREE copy of our “Understanding the Times Dispensations Chart” on our website.)

Doing Good Works. These are not the things a person must do to be saved, but they are the things that God planned for believers to do once they have been saved (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Peter 4:10). Jesus said,“You [disciples] did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you” (John 15:16). In his book entitled, “So Great Salvation” Dr. Charles Ryrie points out this fruit of which Jesus spoke can be (1) a Christlike character, (2) a life characterized by good works, (3) a faithful witness, (4) a pair of lips that praise God, and (5) a generous giving of one’s money. [1] Question – If you claim to be a Christian, do others see any of these things in your life? James, Jesus’ half brother, wrote, “…Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble! But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?” (James 2:18-20).

Giving Thanks. Christians are instructed to give thanks for all things apart from sin (Ephesians 5:20), in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18), and for all men (1 Timothy 2:1) whom God may use for His glory and for our good. Christians who are “filled with the Holy Spirit” will have singing hearts, thankful hearts, and submissive hearts (Ephesians 5:18-21). What kind of heart do you have? What comes forth from it? A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45).

Having The Right Purpose. Our primary purpose in life is/should be to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. We glorify God when we make Him known to others through our words and deeds (1 Corinthians 10:31). God is also glorified when believers grow spiritually (1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 3:18), serve Him by serving others with love (Galatians 5:13; 1 Peter 4:10), and when we share the Gospel clearly with those who are lost as we are led by God the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14) and as He gives us opportunities and opens doors for us (Revelation 3:8).

Summary. There’s only one way to be saved. There is a distinct set of rules to govern Christian’s lives. There is a specific purpose for our being here on earth.

Help. We’re here to assist those who are teachable and willing to change (2 Timothy 2:2,15; 3:16, 17) and who want to SHARE what they learn with others. We can be reached through our website: If this has helped you, we’d like to know how it has. To receive future articles as they come out, click on FOLLOW.

[1] Dr. Charles Ryrie, Christian Fruit

[2] Promises For Christians

Gospel Presentations

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  

Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

Philippians 1:27-30

Most of us want to be liked and accepted by others. We spend a lot of time, effort, and money to make others like us. Just think about how much money we could save if everyone were blind and couldn’t appreciate the clothes we wear, or the cars we drive, or the houses in which we live.

Most people want to be part of the in crowd.” But what price are we willing to pay to be popular and accepted? Are we willing to go along to get along” even if it violates the clear teachings of the Word of God and our consciences? Does it mean anything to you that you grieve God when you sin – act lawlessly (Ephesians 4:30; 1 John 3:4)? Are we willing to be unpopular with the world’s crowd so that we can be well pleasing to God (2 Corinthians 5:9; See Psalm 1)?

The Apostle Paul realized that preaching or teaching in the abstract and in generalities to no one in particular resulted in weak Christians. The truth that is found in God’s Word must be presented clearly and simply to others who, in turn, need to apply it to their every day lives. He told Timothy to Preach [proclaim] the word! Be ready in season and out of seasons. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long suffering and teaching.” (Find out why in 2 Timothy 4:2-5). James, the Lord’s half brother wrote, But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 2:23).

In his brief letter to the church in Philippi, Paul expressed his desire for them to live, to stand, to strive, to be fearless, and to suffer for the cause of Christ if necessary (Philippians 1:27-30; See 2 Timothy 3:12). Let’s think about these things for a few minutes.

Live. (v. 27a) When God saves us as a result of our believing in/on the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins…and rose again bodily on the third day, He begins the process of conforming us into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29; 12:1, 2). This involves our cooperation with God. In another letter, the Apostle Paul instructed believers to put off their carnal way of thinking that often results in unbecoming, sinful (lawless) behavior that can have detrimental consequences in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms. Then he told believers to put on other things that display Christ like behavior (See Colossians 3:5-17; Galatians 5:22, 23).

Quote. A good place to learn to be Christ like is when we encounter the little complaints which people have. We cannot mature unless we have occasions and provocations that disturb us. Every big thing is made up of a lot of little things.” – Dr. H. L. Schafer

Consistency. Even though we’ve been saved by God’s grace through faith in Christ, we still retain our sinful nature that we inherited from our parents (Psalm 51:5; 1 John 1:8; Romans 7:15-25). We still have the potential to behave like unsaved people when we act carnally (1 Corinthians 3:1 ff; 5:1 ff) or yield to the temptations that come from the devil/demons or from the world system. But when God saved us, we became partakers of the Divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), and have the potential to live a life that pleases God (2 Corinthians 5:9; See Romans 8:8). Paul wanted believers to learn to lean on the Lord for strength to do the things He wants us to do. It’s available to all Christians (Philippians 3:10; 4:13). A consistent, godly life has a tremendous impact on others around us. But an inconsistent, hypocritical life brings disgrace to God’s name which could result in our being chastened severely by the Lord (Hebrews 12:5 ff; 2 Samuel 12:14). When a believer sins, he/she needs to confess the sin(s) to God the Father and then claim His forgiveness (1 John 1:9; James 5:16; Proverbs 28:13; Psalm 51:13).

Stand. (v. 27b) All around us a spiritual battle is raging for the control of the mind, emotions, and actions of mankind including Christians (Ephesians 6:10-17; 1 John 4:4; 5:19; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 10:5). But the Good News concerning Christ’s death for our sins and His bodily resurrection must be proclaimed if people are to be saved (Matthew 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8; Romans 1:16, 17; 10:9-17). When was the last time you shared the Clear Gospel” with an unsaved person? Do you really care about lost people? If not, ask God to stir you up His love in your heart (Romans 5:5; Revelation 2:4). Are you helping Christians stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-17)?

Unity. In His High Priestly prayer, Jesus expressed His desire that true believers be united in their objective of glorifying God and loving one another (John 17:21; See Ephesians 4:4; John 13:34, 35). Sometimes it’s very difficult to know who the true Christians are and who are only “professing Christians.” God knows those who are His, but we can only make an evaluation of a person by his/her beliefs and behavior (John 10:27; James 2:18-20). We are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). Disobedient Christians, who engage in habitual, sinful conduct/lawlessness (1 John 3:4-9), will be disciplined by God (1 Corinthians 11:30-32; James 5:19, 20; 1 John 5:16), and need to be shunned by other believers until repentance and confession have been made (2 Thessalonians 3:14; 1 Corinthians 5:1 ff; 2 Corinthians 2:1-11; Ephesians 4:32; 1 John 1:9; James 5:16).

Strive. (v. 27c) Too many Christians are not focused on the things that God wants us to think about and do (Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:1 ff). We have Good News for people who are dying physically and who are spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1). Getting this information to them may cost us our lives. Jesus laid down His life so we could be saved (1 Peter 3:18; John 10:10-18), and Paul endured all things for the salvation of the elect (2 Timothy 2:10; 2 Corinthians 11:23-33). In like manner we should be willing to follow their examples in an effort to reach the lost and edify believers. The Crown of Rejoicing” awaits Christians who are involved in leading others to Christ so they can be saved (1 Thessalonians 2;19, 20). The Crown of Glory” is given to those who shepherd God’s flock God’s way (1 Peter 5:4).  This involves feeding, leading, guarding, and healing God’s flock of sheep.

Problems. The devil is delighted when the Gospel is not clearly presented to unbelievers and when Christians are confused about how they are supposed to live holy and godly lives (1 Peter 1:15, 16), once they have been saved (2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 6:10-17; Get our FREE Dispensations Chart).  All of the Bible is for us, but not all of it is addressed to us (Titus 1:9; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17).  Far too many Christians never share the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4) with lost people, and some add to it or subtract from it and cause others to believe in vain by adding good works to faith in Christ alone (1 Corinthians 15:2; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5).

Fearless. (v. 28a) All believers need to Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). He and demons are real and they are enemies of God and would like to overthrow God and overwhelm His children. Paul reminded Timothy that …God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). John, the Apostle, reminds us that [we] are of God, little children, and have overcome them [those with the spirit of antichrist], because He [God] who is in [us] is greater than he [the devil] who is in the world” (1 John 4:4; See Ephesians 2:2). Nothing can happen to a true child of God without God’s permission. True Christians have confidence in God’s ability to raise the dead and give them a better life in heaven if they are killed (1 Corinthians 15:51, 52).

Doomed. (v. 28a) All those who reject God’s offer of salvation that is available to all mankind, will be cast into the lake of fire to suffer forever in accordance to their works done on earth (John 3:16, 18, 36; Matthew 25:30, 41, 46; Revelation 20:10-15; 21:8). Where will you spend eternity?

Reproof. God the Holy Spirit reproves (convinces) unsaved people of the sin of unbelief in Christ, their need of Christ’s righteousness to enter heaven, and the ultimate judgment to come on them as it will on the devil and his angels/demons (John 16:8-11). There are no second chances or opportunities to be saved from the lake of fire after an unbeliever dies (Hebrews 9:27).

Resurrection. Christ’s bodily resurrection from the dead guarantees the resurrection of all human beings who die (1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 51, 52; Hebrews 9:27). Do you know in which one you will participate if you should die? The Scriptures don’t teach the annihilation of the wicked or reincarnation as some cults and religions teach.

Suffer. (v, 29). While true Christians will not go into or through the seven years of the Tribulation (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 4:13-18; 5:9; See Daniel 9:27), all Christians who desire to live godly lives will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). The Gospel is offensive to proud men and women who think the can save themselves by their good works (1 Corinthians 1:23; 1 Peter 2:8; Ephesians 2:8, 9).

Quote. We who preach [proclaim] the Gospel must not think of ourselves as public relations agents sent to establish good will between Christ and the world…We are not diplomats but prophets, and our message is not compromise but ultimatum.” – A. W. Tozer

Help. We’re here to assist you and others who are teachable and willing to change (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17). If you’re a true Christian, we’d like to ask you to take this information and pass it on to other people who are teachable and willing to change.  To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” Join us on “Facebook” and “Youtube” for our Bible studies. We can be reached through our website:

Share. We’d like you to memorize this short Gospel presentation and share it with unbelievers as God the Holy Spirit leads you: Friend, you have sinned. But Christ died for sinners and rose again. Trust Him alone and He will save you eternally. Do it now!” – Dr. Manfred Kober [1]

[1] Manfred Kober, Do We Really Know The Gospel?

Clear Gospel Presentations

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Test And Tried Daily

The Gospel Mandate

   Friend, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone, Who died for all our sins (once and for all) …and rose again bodily on the third day, and you will be saved from hell to heaven (Acts 16:31; 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).

   If you’ve never done this before, do it NOW! Once you’ve done this, contact us for more information so we can help you grow spiritually.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version

Copyright c. 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by Permission. All rights reserved


Strange and unpleasant things may happen when we’re obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives as Christians (Romans 8:14; 2 Timothy 3:12).  The Apostle Paul and Silas had been obedient to “the Macedonian Call” and crossed over into Europe rather than going back into Asia Minor (Acts 16:9). We can be thankful for that because had they not done this, we might be in spiritual darkness like many people in the eastern hemispheres are today.

Converts. Arriving in the city of Philippi, they didn’t find a synagogue so they went down by the river to preach the Good News concerning Christ to some people.  A business woman by the name of Lydia heard the Gospel and God opened her heart and she and her household believed, were saved, and then baptized/immersed (Acts 16:14).

Other Ways. Later as Paul, Silas, and Timothy proclaimed the Gospel, they encountered a demon possessed girl who was making her masters a great deal of money by her fortune telling. As she followed Paul and Silas around, she cried out, saying, “These men are servants of the most high God [true] who proclaim to us “a” way of salvation” [false]. (See Acts 16:17 in the Greek language).

Loss. This upset Paul so much that he rebuked the demon spirit and caused it to come out of the girl.  This led to her inability to predict the future.  When her masters saw that their “golden goose” had lost her power, they had Paul and Silas beaten and thrown in prison.  Strangely, they began to sing songs in the middle of the night and God sent an earthquake that opened up the doors of the prison making it possible for the prisoners to escape.

Question. When the jailer saw what had happened, he was convinced that he was about to die because he thought his prisoners had escaped.  Paul called out to him and told him not to kill himself.  In response to that, the jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?”

Command. Paul’s simple response was, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved…” (Acts 16:31).  As a result of this, the jailer believed, along with those in his house, and they all were baptized/immersed (not sprinkled) that same night.  These people believed that Jesus was the Lord (God), Jesus (perfect man), Christ (the resurrected and glorified One). Acts 16:32 tells us that Paul also spoke the word of the Lord (the Gospel – See 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4; Romans 1:16, 17) to him and all his household. He also must have told them of their need to be baptized because that same night they were baptized/immersed.

False Teachers. Today, there are many false teachers (See 2 Peter 2:1 ff; Jude 1:8-13) who are telling people that they must do more than believe in order to be saved.  ExamplesPray, Confess all the sins you’ve ever committed in your life, Stop sinning, Repent and make Jesus the Lord and Master of your life, Believe and do good works, Say the sinner’s prayer, Come forward and confess Christ publicly, Repent and be baptized, Deny yourself and take up your cross, Follow Jesus, Ask Jesus to forgive you, etc.  What about “Repentance? (See below.)

Cursed. Those who teach and preach another Gospel or another way of salvation have God’s curse resting on them. Basically they are doing the same thing that the young, demon possessed girl was doing.  They are telling people “There are many ways to God. Choose the one you like, feel good about it, and you will be fine.” Today many churches are filled with “professing” Christians who don’t “possess” God’s eternal life (1 Corinthians 15:1-4; See Matthew 7:21-23). Are you one of them?

Help.  We’re here to help you and others who are teachable and willing to change (2 Timothy 2:2, 15; 3:16, 17). If this article has helped you, we’d like to hear from you. Please SHARE it with others. To receive future articles as they come out, click on “Follow.” Join us on Facebook and Youtube for our Bible studies. We can be reached through our website:

The Bad News & Good News”

My friend, you and I are sinners.

But Christ died for all our sins…and rose again bodily.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ alone and you will be saved eternally.

If you’ve never done this, do it now!

If you’re truly saved, share this message with others.

Repentance – What about it? The Most Misunderstood Word in the Bible